Instinct Digest – January 25, 2019 – Out Parents, Politicians, & Comedian, A Call for LGBT Health Education, & More March 17, 2019January 25, 2019 by - Instinct Staff - Here are some of our recent most read stories, original pieces you won't find anywhere else, and others we feel need to be shared again. Advertisement This Mother & Pastor Left Her Church For Her Bi Child Advertisement “I realized I was being asked to choose between the two most important parts of my life." Advertisement Gay Couple Hospitalized After Brutal Attack In Austin Couple says they were targeted for holding hands Advertisement Gay Interview Lands TV Host In Prison For 1 Year Host was sued for promoting possible 'monetary gains' from homosexuality Advertisement Gay Mayor Pete Buttigieg Is Running For US President "Right now our country needs a fresh start." Advertisement Politician Believes Being Gay Is Just A 'Fashion Trend' Advertisement "Tomorrow there'll be another fashion…" Advertisement Middle Schoolers Sang For Their Choir Teacher's Wedding Video has us in tears even before the singing starts. Advertisement Facebook Removed One Million Mom's Anti-Gay Petition “Facebook is trying to silence One Million Moms!” Advertisement We've had some people state that they are not seeing us as much on Facebook. It's mainly to do with their algorithm and the fact that we post links to our stories which takes people away from Facebook and they don't like that. Check out a new Facebook Group, OUR GAY LIFE. Joining Our Gay Life will help our stories hit your News Feed easier and will give you a place to share your own posts and communicate with those with similar interests. Advertisement Acclaimed Short Film 'Trophy Boy' Heading For TV Advertisement Life gets real when a sugar daddy dumps his 'social influencer' boy-toy Advertisement Former Soccer Goalie Matthew Pacifici Came Out "This relationship is the one that makes me the most happy ever in my life.” Advertisement Comedian Joel Kim Booster Talks Gay Dads And Dating Apps Did we mess up God's gay plan? Advertisement Gay Lawmaker Jean Wyllys Ran From Brazil Over Feared Death Brazilian Congressman has no plans to return. Advertisement EXCLUSIVE! Latrice Royale on AS4, Career, Love & More Advertisement How did she feel about her dramatic return to the iconic show? Advertisement Medical Students Push For LGBT Inclusion In Training Asks School to come into the 21st Century Advertisement Instinct Insta Hottie is Chiseled Phillip Evelyn II He can keep you warm in the most frigid of weathers.