Instinct Digest – October 15, 2018


Here are some of our recent most read stories,
original pieces you won't find anywhere else, 
and others we feel need to be shared again.


Gay High School Student Asks Straight Friend to Homecoming

"I Know I'm Gay, But Can I Take You Straight to Homecoming?"



Riot Gear, Tear Gas, Water Cannon Used To Protect LGBTQ+


Polish Police Protected Pride Parade,
Permitting Partiers Passage Past Protestors



Christopher Coleman Shares How To 'Live an Unconfined Life'

"Being a black disabled gay man in the South
I had my own fears…"



How Often Do You Share Your Coming Out Story?

"There is no coming out of the closet handbook or specific rules, and nor should there be one."



Noah's Ark Shows the Dark Side of Religious Extremism

Ark Encounter, a Noah's Ark replica turned theme park,
displays no shortage of homophobia and bigoted opinions



Guess Which Celeb Promised Neil Patrick Harris Sex?


There may have been an awkward pause…



Here are 5 More Reasons to Date a Guy with Size

More, more, more (donuts).


We've had some people state that they are not seeing us as much on Facebook.
It's mainly to do wit their algorithm and the fact that we post links to our stories
which takes people away from Facebook and they don't like that. 


Check out a new Facebook Group, OUR GAY LIFE.
Joining Our Gay Life will help our stories hit your News Feed easier
and will give you a place to share your own posts
and communicate with those with similar interests.



Is Lady Gaga the Right Choice for Ursula the Sea Witch?

She is titanic in 'A Star Is Born,' sure, but here are
some other stars that Disney should keep in mind.



Video: 'What If You Stopped Masturbating?'


Let super-smart AsapSCIENCE guys explain it to you



Out Olympian Tom Bosworth Received Pushback For A Kiss Pic

"I've never hidden who I am so I don't understand why
these individuals followed me in the first place!"



ABearNamedTroy is 'Thicck' Like Honey on Cake in New Video

Exclusive: Troy Solomon's body positivity will fill your sweet tooth



Photographer Refuses Service to Homophobic Bakery in UK

“We appreciate that this looks like tit for tat, and it is."



'The Good Doctor' Star Nick Gonzalez Posed For All To See


(NSFW) A shredded Gonzalez went without
any scrubs for Greg Gorman in 2000.



Travel Thursday: Fort Lauderdale – Beach, Boys, Bon Voyage

Like being on or in the water for vacation?
Fort Lauderdale has several options.


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