Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion may have torpedoed “WAP” into the American lexicon courtesy of their smoldering summer ode to “Dasani Punani” (as the song quotes), but John Duff is wrapping up the summer with his own take on “down there play”, with a little help from a song that every single one of us is all too familiar with, with the release of “Hokie Pokie”

With a video directed by Brad Hammer (and Duff himself having a hand in everything from styling, creative direction, & writing), the imagery for “Hokie Pokie” is peak summer pool party frivolity, complete with creatively placed iridescent handheld windmills. Duff’s lyrical content is smart & beyond direct, with Duff crafting rhymes & offering requests like “keep the kissing-hugging, lets get to push and shoving”. Duff is joined in the video by equally barely there co-stars, all continuing this late summer celebration of turning around to “show em’ what it’s all about”. With “Hokie Pokie”, Duff-who ironically admits he has only had sex once in the past year-is showing off his flair for straddling the line between hip hop and house, while also paying homage to the act of actually doing the straddling!
Grab “Hokie Pokie” on Spotify
Check out John Duff on Instagram