Is Searching For Your Next Trick Making You Fat And Unhealthy?

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Do you find yourself going to bed with your Smartphone in hand?  What could be so important?  One more depletion of Candy Crush lives, one more scan through the Scruffy boys that may want to come over and give you something else to hold on to, reading that last work email in hope that they have laid you off?


Stop it. It's not healthy.  Men's Health shares with us a concern in its article "How Your Smartphone Is Making You Fat"

Facebook can make you feed your face.

It all comes down to distraction: You’re more likely to consume bigger portions and eat for longer periods of time when you’re preoccupied by television, music, cell phone, or a computer, according to a review of studies published in Trends in Food Science & Technology.

Eating while distracted interrupts brain-to-stomach satiation signals, making it harder to monitor your food intake. If you’re not focusing on your food, your brain is less likely to track just how much food you’ve actually consumed.

Also, distraction raises the risk of overeating the wrong types of foods. (Think: popcorn at the movies.)

Try this: Dedicate mealtime as no-screen time. Don’t check your email or Twitter or ESPN. Grab a seat and try tasting at least your first three bites—fully chewing and swallowing before taking another. This process, also known as mindful eating, may lead to great satisfaction.

Wait, you’re not reading this while you're eating, are you?  –

Do you feel that getting fat while surfing may be more true while you are on your one hand use smartphone than when you are on your computer or tablet?

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But Men's Health was just talking about phone use in general. What about that the pre-sleep use? doesn't say you'll get fat by using your smartphone, but they do say pre-sleep use will affect you in many other ways. In their article, "How Smartphone Light Affects Your Brain And Body," they tell us … just stop and go to sleep.


It may be hard to stop, but looking at your phone at night is a terrible idea. Smartphone screens emit bright blue light so you can see them even at the sunniest times of day.

But at night, your brain gets confused by that light, as it mimics the brightness of the sun. This causes the brain to stop producing melatonin, a hormone that gives your body the "time to sleep" cues. Because of this, smartphone light can disrupt your sleep cycle, making it harder to fall and stay asleep — and potentially causing serious health problems along the way. –


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Are you one that brings the phone to bed? 


Do you have a certain time set up to put down the smartphone?   Maybe you should? 

That guy's going to be there tomorrow, and if not, he wasn't worth it anyway.


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