Italian Priest Holds Mass Protest Over Anti-Gay Catholic Church

Photo by Thays Orrico on Unsplash

Now even more Catholic priests are protesting the Catholic church on its homophobic views.

An Italian priest named Father Giuliu Mignani recently made headlines for protesting against the Catholic Church’s ban on blessings for same-sex unions. According to local news source ANSA, Father Mignani of Bonassola, Italy told his congregation on Palm Sunday that he would not be giving blessings before Easter in protest to the Vatican’s decree from earlier this month.


“If I can’t bless couples formed by persons of the same sex, then I won’t bless palms or olive branches either,” Father Mignani told the crowd on March 28.

In a press release from March 29, the Diocese of Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato condemned Mignani’s actions. The diocese called Mignani’s actions “reprehensible to omit or perform a liturgical gesture by linking it to a personal protest.”


The diocese also noted that “the matter is being assessed in the appropriate forums, in accordance with current canonical norms.” In addition, the diocese asked that people carefully read the initial CDF responsum, which “expresses in an understandable way, with respect, composure and truth, why the Church does not possess, and cannot possess, the power to bless such unions.”

“In spite of various interventions made personally by the Bishop in recent years and the statements issued to reiterate the official position of the Church to the faithful, in the face of Fr. Giulio Mignani’s remarks on matters of faith and morals, it is with sorrow that we must note what occurred again last Palm Sunday in the parishes entrusted to him,” the diocese added.

Priest Mignani is not the only Catholic priest to express displeasure with the Catholic decree, according to the Catholic News Agency. Bishops in Austria and Germany have also expressed similar disgust.

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Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the archbishop of Vienna, said Sunday that the Vatican’s rejection of blessings for same-sex couples was marked by a “clear communication error.”

Meanwhile, German bishops Georg Bätzing, president of the German bishops’ conference, Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück, Bishop Helmut Dieser of Aachen, Bishop Peter Kohlgraf of Mainz, and Bishop Heinrich Timmerevers of Dresden-Meissen have all expressed support for blessing same-sex unions.

Source: ANSA, Catholic News Agency,

1 thought on “Italian Priest Holds Mass Protest Over Anti-Gay Catholic Church”

  1. I know that there are some very good priest but the church as a whole is absolutely wrong with this same sex blessing ban.


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