It’s Long, Wet, Fat, Suckable. Do We Pay Attention To It? A Tongue Can Tell Us About Our Health



Paying attention to one of two of your man's long wet suckable organs may give you some insight on not only his health issues, but also his mental state. 

Our tongues say a lot about us, including our health.  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has developed a unique, effective diagnostic approach using inspection of the tongue.  In this way, TCM offers keys to harmonious health through understanding what we see about our tongue.

For thousands of years, various areas of the tongue are believed to correspond to different organs and their meridian systems (left image). The tongue gives clear clues as to the health of different organ systems and the body-mind-spirit as a whole.  It is also the changes in the body and coating of the tongue that are important in TCM.

Changes in the tongue happen when changes occur first in the diet, emotions, lifestyle and state of health.

This week’s health tip is to encourage people to examine their tongue as a way to inspect their personal health.  Figure 1 (left top image) and the accompanying chart of nine common syndromes with possible symptoms are a very simple guide to assist in this exploration.

What to look for in your tongue?  First, it’s important to know what a “normal” tongue looks like – whole tongue is uniform pink in colour with thin white coating and slightly rounded shape.

As you look at your tongue then, check the following regularly, note their location on the tongue, as well as any changes over time:

* Colour of the tongue body, including red prickles or black dots
* Coating on the tongue surface
* Colour, thickness, dryness or moistness of the coating
* Shape of the tongue
* Fissures/cracks in the tongue
* Movement of the tongue

Click on the image below for a larger visual.


For more explanation, go to

Do you buy into this?  Using your tongue to diagnose health and mental states?  I've often self diagnosed a QI Deficiency, especially when changing jobs, moving, or during other stressful times in my life.  Noticing the difference in my tongue helped me take action and resolve the issues my mouth was highlighting I had at the current time.

Do any of these ring true about your or your partner's tongue?

Do you look at a guy's tongue when dating or hooking up?  You may now.


2 thoughts on “It’s Long, Wet, Fat, Suckable. Do We Pay Attention To It? A Tongue Can Tell Us About Our Health”

    • Actually qi is life force
      Actually qi is life force energy…aka blood. Where qi is in higher concentrations so is blood. just because ancient people thought of it a different way doesnt mean they werent right. If they werent a lot of their healing methods would disappear not stay popular and gain more favour than allopathic medicine do many conditions. Open your mind a bit.


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