Grammy nominated singer-songwriter J.R. Price, who is best known for his anthem club banger “Body Positive,” recently released his second EP, just in time for summer.
Entitled Nightmare, it is a surprise departure from his debut album Daydream, which was full of happy pop music. Darker, edgier, and more mature, Nightmare is based on the five stages of grief after losing love – denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance. Each song represents a stage.
According to Price, the inspiration for the album came from the trails and tribulations he experienced throughout the last two years. On top of dealing with the pandemic, he experienced homelessness and bounced around from different living situations to survive, severed ties with his father and oldest sister, lost his college mentor in November 2021, and went through a very tumultuous relationship.
So much trauma lead Price to create an uplifting message about when you lose love, you must find the power within yourself to get back up and wake up from the nightmare.
When asked about the person who inspired this heartbreak album, he says, “I will not ever say who it was. People who know me personally obviously know, but I am not trying to ruin his reputation. I also have written permission from him to make a heartbreak album and use his persona for my art as long as I keep his fucking name out of my mouth. So, if you want anymore details about it, then I suggest you listen to the album and study the lyrics because he didn’t give consent to anything else. Despite the pain he caused me, the last thing I want to do is hurt him.”
Price describes his college mentor, Russell Henderson, as his first genuine father figure. The two initially met when Price was attending the University of Kentucky to pursue a degree in theatre, vocal performance, dance, and musical theatre.
“He was the most amazing and outlandish man you will ever meet,” Price says. “He had a way to tap into the greatest parts of you, dig them out, and make you see them. He taught me everything I know, and I still hear his voice every day and repeat his irreplaceable advice in my head. Losing him is very hard to accept. I love that man, and I am lucky to have known him. I am dedicating this album to him because of all the advice he gave me on my love life. I know he is writing notes up there while smoking a cigarette, laughing until he turns purple with all the juicy details that unfold on this EP. I know he loves it. This is for you Russell. My best work.”
Over the weekend, Price released a music video for “Tiny,” the EP’s third song, which focuses on anger. In the video, he describes himself as an angry witch seeking revenge on someone trying to ruin his reputation.
The song is a catchy tune that is driven with an interesting flute melody that feels magical.
“This song pays tribute to Russell, who told me about the hippies who lived in Central Park during their stance against war and how the woods are really an escape for creatives in New York,” Price explains. It is also home to gay hookup culture, so watch out boys. Someone could cast a spell on you and kill you!”
Stay up-to-date and connect with Price by following him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, or visit his official website. Nightmare is now available on all digital streaming platforms.