Just when you thought you couldn’t love Jane Fonda more, she does an in-depth interview with Maureen Dowd of the New York Times that is enlightening, poignant, funny, and scandalous all at once.
Forget what we think we know about her; all the basic things like how she became an 80s fitness queen, her turbulent time as a staunch anti-Vietnam war protestor, which still impacts her life today. Then, of course, there’s the fact she’s the daughter of legendary Hollywood actor Henry Fonda, and she’s an Oscar winner just like her Dad. She’s a tree-hugging activist and ex-girlfriend of Media mogul Ted Turner. But we already know all that stuff.
However, Dowd’s interview dipped into the unknown by engaging Fonda to play along in a rapid-fire, truth, or rumor-styled Q & A. That segment came up after Fonda revealed she has a fantastic drawer full of vibrators sent to her by fans of “Grace and Frankie.” Fonda’s character sells sex toys on the hit show, and during an appearance on “Ellen,” she gushed over a fascinating vibrator that can be worn on a silver necklace like jewelry. From that point, fans started to send her vibrators.
“I have a drawer full of vibrators,” Fonda declared. “It’s amazing!”
Dowd then asked if Fonda would be “scared to use one of the dildos that came in the mail from a fan?” Fonda replied slyly, “I don’t know …maybe I’d ask someone else to try it, first.”
Perhaps one of the biggest revelations of the interview was when Dowd asked Fonda to confirm the rumor that her greatest regret is that she never had sex with Che Guevera.
Fonda replied,
“No, I don’t think about him. Who I do think about, and what is a great regret, is Marvin Gaye. He wanted to, and I didn’t. I was married to Tom. I was meeting a lot of performers to try to do concerts for Tom, and the woman who was helping me do that introduced me to Marvin Gaye.
Fonda also shared that after his death, she learned Gaye was so enamored that he kept a photo of her on his refrigerator. Wow. That man was really fond of Fonda.
Here are a few excerpts from Maureen Dowd’s deliciously campy Q&A with Jane Fonda:
(Dowd) You went to birthday parties at Christina Crawford’s and hung up your coat on wire hangers?
(Fonda )I was too young to know from a wire hanger. I don’t think I had ever seen a wire hanger in my life. We were very young. We all had governesses in uniforms. And there was a Ferris wheel and an elephant.
(Dowd) Joan Crawford terrified you?
(Fonda) I didn’t know who she was, except that she had these dark eyebrows, and seemed to be very tall and imposing, and she was responsible for this whole mishegoss, and I had to curtsy.
(Dowd) Ted Turner used to dress up like Rhett Butler, play the music from “Gone With the Wind,” and sweep you up the stairs?
(Fonda Laughs.) No. However, one day when we were driving to one of his ranches in his Jeep over the bumpy roads and my brother and his wife were with us, he suddenly stopped the car and got out and pulled me out and grabbed me in his arms and sang “Don’t Fence Me In.”
(Dowd) You regret not taking the Mia Farrow role in “Rosemary’s Baby?”
(Fonda) I don’t think about it.
Wait, what? Jane Fonda was up for the lead role played by Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby? I had no idea. As for the Marvin Gaye admission, that was a sexy man, so Jane’s got good taste. I have to say, I admire her restraint in deciding against having sex with Gaye because she was married. Hollywood is a town known for adulterous affairs at every turn, but Fonda keeps it classy, even when tempted by one of the hottest music men on earth, known for a song called Sexual Healing. Wooooo child!
Yes, all I can say is unlike the decision I might have made, Miss Fonda kept it classy, and today at 82 years old, she still does.
Catch Corey Andrew & Rob Shuter discuss Jane Fonda’s admission and more on today’s episode of the ‘Naughty But Nice” podcast presented by iheartradio.
Read more of Jane’s Interview at The New York Times