Adult Film Legend & All-Around Great Guy Jesse Jackman is our Latest Instinct Hottie

Credit: Levi Crisp (

Jesse Jackman has no doubt been one of the biggest gay porn stars to primarily emerge out of the 2010 decade.

His chiseled appearance and incredible performing abilities has kept him a fan favorite over the years. As someone who personally knows him I can also add that he’s a big ole sweetheart in real life outside of his massive persona on screen. So its the best of both worlds with this guy who shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.


The Boston mainstay is our pick for Instinct Hottie this week for many reasons. His longevity in an industry that spits people up and chews them out quickly is quite impressive for one but he’s also incredibly approachable, intelligent, kind, witty, I could go on and out.

Check out our exclusive feature with him below.


What do you think is the most attractive part about yourself? 

Wow, that’s a tough one… how can I answer that question without coming off as arrogant or narcissistic? I think I’ll rely on the people in my life to answer this one for me. Recently, my wonderful partner Levi gave me a scrapbook for my 47th birthday with photos of my closest friends in it, along with a one-word caption that each friend chose to describe me. The word that kept coming up was “loyal,” so I guess I’ll go with that.

What do you find guys compliment on you the most, physically? 

Usually it’s my eyes. They change color actually, depending on my mood and how tired I am. They’re ordinarily hazel, but when I get tired they turn this bright icy blue. It only started happening once I turned 30 — I’m not sure what’s up with that — but when someone does mention them, it’s probably because I’ve been awake for 24 hours.


What, to you, defines sexy in another man?

I guess if I had to sum it up I would say that the sexiest thing about a man to me is his strength. This goes far beyond physical strength, although that’s a huge turn-on for me as well. It includes strength of character. The greatest compliment I can ever give anyone is to say that they are a “good” person. There’s just something about a beefy guy who also happens to be geeky, smart, honest and true.


What is your proudest moment so far in your life in being an openly gay man?

A few years ago, I got a message from a contestant on the TV show The Biggest Loser. He told me that he had taped one of my photos to the wall next to his bed as motivation. I understood his struggle; I used to be “the fat kid” in my elementary and middle school days, and it took a lot of work to get to the point where I was finally comfortable in my own skin. He ended up losing 80 pounds! A few months later he wrote back to say that he’d been able to keep the weight off, to the point where — for the first time in his life — he felt comfortable enough with his body to do a professional photo shoot. I couldn’t be more proud of him, and honored to be a small part of his journey toward a healthier, happier life.

What haven’t you accomplished, personally or professionally, that you are wanting to do in the next 2-3 years? 

One major bucket list item of mine is being able to set foot on all seven continents. I’ve already lived on four of them — in Italy when I was 16, Australia when I was 18, and Japan when I was 20 — so the only ones left to visit are South America, Africa, and Antarctica. My 50th birthday is coming up; a trip to Patagonia and onward to the Antarctic would be a great way to celebrate, don’t you think?


As far as professional ambitions go, I’ve heard that a lot of people think I’ve retired from the adult film industry. That’s definitely not the case, however! Even though I haven’t filmed anything since TitanMen stopped producing new content, I’m definitely open to the idea of filming again if the right project comes along. I’d love to work with Jasun Mark again, for example. We’ve had lots of fun producing quality content together over the years, and it would be great to keep that streak going!

Have you found love? If so what is the best part of your relationship and what do you love most in your partner(s)?


Yes! Although I think it’s probably more accurate to say that love found me. But here’s the thing: it’s found me before. People evolve and change over time, and the love between people does as well… sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. As my friend and advice columnist Dan Savage likes to say, “Every relationship you are in will fail, until one doesn’t.” My previous relationship lasted eight years, and a lot of wonderful things happened along the way. A lot of not-so-wonderful things, too. Eventually he chose a path that I could not follow.

But then, out of the blue — when I most certainly wasn’t looking for him — comes a man who meets all the criteria for sexiness I mentioned earlier: big, beefy, honest, smart, geeky, true. The one thing I love most about him is all of those things. This might sound weird, but it’s like being able to hang out with your best friend and workout buddy who also happens to be wildly attractive and equally into you, plus you get to have great sex with each other basically anytime you want to, which is pretty much all the time. That’s not a bad arrangement if you ask me. <grin>

Rapid fire question time:

Favorite movie of all time?


Donnie Darko.

Biggest celebrity crush at the moment?

Tie: Chris Pratt and Chrissy Teigen.

Favorite cheat meal or snack that you can’t get enough?

I have two big cheat meals a week. Every Thursday, Levi and I order jerk chicken wraps from Haley House Bakery Café, a local non-profit in the Nubian Square area of Boston that fosters equality and drives community development. And every Saturday, as part of our commitment to support more Black-owned businesses, we pick up a pizza from Rock City Pizza in Allston.

Neither “cheat meal” is entirely unhealthy, though… we get veggies on our wraps and grilled chicken on our pizza. If you want me to name a real cheat meal, it would have to be those waxy, chocolate covered donuts you buy at the supermarket. Give me a box of those along with a tall glass of milk for dunking and I will eat them all in one sitting.


If you’re stuck on an island for eternity, what CD do you want to have there with you?

Bad Religion’s The Process of Belief

What does it mean to be featured as our Hottie of the Week for you?

It’s a real honor! It’s nice to know that there are folks out there who are still tagging along with me on this crazy journey, especially since I haven’t filmed anything in a couple of years. I truly, truly appreciate that… thank you so much!

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