The upcoming installment of the Jurassic World franchise is set to bring a fresh perspective, with a new cast and creative team at the helm. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and the original trilogy’s Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, and Sam Neill are not expected to return for this new adventure. Instead, the film will introduce new characters and storylines, with a script penned by David Koepp.
Creative Team and Production Details
The film will be executive produced by Steven Spielberg through Amblin Entertainment. Producers Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley will be handling production duties through Kennedy-Marshall. Sara Scott, EVP of Production Development, and Jacqueline Garell, Creative Executive of Production Development, will oversee the project for the studio.
Jonathan Bailey’s Involvement
Jonathan Bailey, known for his acclaimed role in the Showtime series Fellow Travelers, is in talks to star in the film. Bailey has strong ties with Universal, as he is also set to appear in the studio’s highly anticipated adaptation of Wicked. Sources indicate that Universal is impressed with Bailey’s performance in Fellow Travelers, further boosting his profile in Hollywood.
Award-Winning Talent
Bailey’s performance in Fellow Travelers opposite Matt Bomer garnered critical acclaim, earning him a Critics Choice Award. With such accolades under his belt, Bailey is considered a frontrunner in the upcoming Emmy race.
Excitement Builds for Wicked and Jurassic World
Universal Studios is generating significant buzz with its upcoming projects, including the Wicked adaptation and the new Jurassic World movie. With Jonathan Bailey’s involvement in both films, anticipation is mounting for what promises to be an exciting journey into these beloved universes.
Stay tuned for more updates on casting, production, and release dates as the new Jurassic World movie continues to take shape!