Kathy Griffin Claims John Travolta Is Closeted!

Kathy Griffin Claims John Travolta Is Closeted!


And Assumes Travolta’s Wife Knows About It!

Goodness Kathy Griffin keeps delivering on the drama! This certainly has been a year for Griffin. I mean, perhaps not her greatest year. She didn’t win anymore Emmys or Grammys, but it’s safe to say that everyone knows her name now. Regardless of your opinion, her name has been on everyone’s tongue this year. Yes, all because of her controversial photograph of the guy in The White House. I firmly believe that she shouldn’t have apologized and of course she’s retracted her apology. Since my dreams have been crushed of seeing another one of her stand up specials; I now have to pray she’ll be performing in Los Angeles sometime in the near future. Until then, I lurk on Griffin’s Twitter to get her latest take on celebrity gossip. Everything that comes out of her mouth is so juicy and uncensored – it’s heaven. Seriously, if you’re not one of the 2 million people following her: DO IT!

So, Griffin decides to answer random fan questions. One twitter user begs the question: “What’s the deal with John Travolta?”

Well, Griffin then decides to state she believes Travolta is a closeted homosexual and his wife is in on his, ahem, business. Check out the tweet below:





Sooooo do you think Griffin is telling the truth?! There’s been rumors for years about Travolta. Is Griffin about to blow another whistle?! How insane would it be if this was true and Travolta comes out?! Ahh!

Image via Instagram

2 thoughts on “Kathy Griffin Claims John Travolta Is Closeted!”

  1. I personally know someone who

    I personally know someone who "worked the streets" back in the day.  I trust what he tells me. 

    He says Travolta worked the streets when he was young and was gay.. 

  2. She says “I assume”, “I

    She says "I assume", "I believe".  Apparently, she does not actually know any of these things she is saying, but goes on damaging people's reputations.  Being gay is not the career-killer it used to be, but people still have to right to keep their private lives private.  I'm amazed that some gays still think of Kathy as an "ally" when she uses her presumptions of someone's sexuality as a something to shock and tantalize her fans. I wish she would just shut up. 


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