Kathy Griffin Eyes A Comeback!

Kathy Griffin Eyes A Comeback!


Will You Be Standing Behind Her?

YES! Alright, so unless you’ve been living under a rock, you definitely are aware that comedienne and gay icon, Kathy Griffin, was tossed into the snake pit by nearly everyone in the world – or Entertainment industry – for posting a photo of herself holding up a decapitated Donald Trump. The photo was ridiculed by like everyone in the world, especially Griffin’s Celebrity “friends” like Anderson Cooper who turned his back on her quicker than he could text Andy Cohen (gag). Griffin got looped into a media conference with Lisa Bloom, who will represent anyone for a dollar, and further put herself down the rabbit hole. Griffin was investigated by the FBI and hasn’t left the infamous spotlight since. Recently, posted a YouTube video and subsequent tweets blasting the catty, gross girls boys mentioned above for their disrespect towards her. Lucky for us, Griffin chats with The Hollywood Reporter to speak about a possible comeback and updates us on her life as it is now: Living in exile.

According to THR,  Griffin is eyeing a comeback. She discussing still having love for her “gays”, which may be the only fans who haven’t deserted her. Well, most of us haven’t! Griffin mentions her frustrations of basically being black listed so quickly. She makes a valid point – she didn’t break the law – there are celebrities that have killed people (Caitlyn Jenner, Laura Bush, Brandy Norwood) and haven’t had their careers abolished.


Griffin mentions the press conference with the aforementioned Bloom was a disaster and hints that it was pushed by Bloom for free publicity. She points out that Bloom was EVERYWHERE during that press conference accompanied by products with Bloom’s company being advertised. Looking at the photos – Jesus – she’s RIGHT. She gabs about being investigated by the FBI – which seriously was a total waste of time, like, come on people. Griffin is harmless. It was recommended Griffin to go away for five years and then make a comeback. She’s refusing and is beginning, no, continuing, her success in 2018.

As for Griffin’s agenda: She enjoys spending time with her mother, Maggie Griffin, writing, creating new material for stand up, creating videos, and hilariously arguing with her conservative neighbors who she will be seeing in court later this month. Jimmy Kimmel has invited Griffin to his show when she decides it’s right to step back into the spotlight. She finishes the article with a powerful statement:

“The minute I do something that makes money, they will all love me again. When I'm dead, I'll be a legend. But not now."


Okay, I’m about to get personal here with you. I couldn’t be more excited than anyone for this! I’m a life-long Griffin fan – she is literally the person who helped me believe being gay wasn’t a bad thing. It’s the first time in my life – at about seven years old – that I heard someone speak of gay men in a positive and hilarious light. It wasn’t my relatives talking about hitting a gay person with a car – it was someone proclaiming we are loved. That’s why I’m pulling incredibly hard for her and plan on helping in every possible way I can. Go get em’, Kathy!

Are you supportive of Griffin’s comeback or do you believe she should pack up her jokes and leave?

Check out THR’s full article with Griffin HERE!

4 thoughts on “Kathy Griffin Eyes A Comeback!”

  1. Absolutely! Love our Kathy &

    Absolutely! Love our Kathy & we will be there when she returns to Sacramento – hopefully soon! 

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