Lord Hicks – A Song About Finding Love In The 21st Century.

Do you mistakenly fire up Grindr, Scruff, and blah blah blah, all the crazy apps and dating sites in the hopes of finding more than just poles and holes? Yeah yeah yeah,  we're all looking in the wrong place and you shouldn't be looking, it will happen when it happens.  Thanks, but some of us are foolish and believe that a match may occur and it won't be just for a wham bam thank you m'am session, but a connection.


Lord Hicks released a new video this April where he sings about his dating app woes.





Did this video hit home?  It's too too true.

George,  I mean Lord Hicks is a talented chap and he's proving it to all.  On April 21st he posted to his Facebook:


It's not only her Highness who has cause to celebrate today – his lordship is through to the GRAND FINAL of Pride in London's Got Talent! It has been a pleasure to be among such a talented roster of performers and I do so hope you can join us on May 15th at the Charing Cross Theatre!

Has Lord Hicks been around for a while?  Looking at some of his well known hits, he's done covers of Banks and Minaj, but I think my favorite cover is of Fancy by Iggy Azalea.




We wish you the best Lord Hicks!  Thanks for entertaining us and the US!

To learn more about him, go over to EQVIEW.com for his most recent interview.

You can follow George / Lord Hicks on Facebook /Littlelordhicks or subscribe to his YouTube channel.

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