Madonna’s work with Juno screenwriter Diablo Cody on an upcoming biopic started to make the rounds over the weekend, and fans started to examine her hour plus Instagram live video with Cody (where Madge & Cody spoke about some of the points of the pop icon’s life that will be include in the biopic). As fans started eagerly anticipating seeing Madonna’s recreation of her first meeting with her “Vogue” dancers (among other iconic life moments), it was announced (via Deadline) that Universal Pictures will be behind the biopic of the Material Girl’s life story, which she is be both co-writing and directing. Pascal Pictures’ Amy Pascal is also co-producing the film with Madonna.
While Madonna will not be portraying herself in the film, she will be heading up the search to find the perfect performer to portray the singer/actress/director/provocateur, from her first moments landing in New York City to being one of the largest global superstars ever.

“I want to convey the incredible journey that life has taken me on as an artist, a musician, a dancer – a human being, trying to make her way in this world,” said Madonna in a statement. “The focus of this film will always be music. Music has kept me going and art has kept me alive. There are so many untold and inspiring stories and who better to tell it than me. It’s essential to share the roller coaster ride of my life with my voice and vision.” Title-wise, an official title for the film has not been released, but she and Cody suggested recently that the title could be “Live To Tell”, which is also the title of one of Madonna’s signature ballads from the film At Close Range.
It also looks like Madonna is delving into the archives of her own career and reliving some of her early New York City glory days. She recently posted what she titled as one of her “First Demos” on Instagram. The vocals are vintage Madonna, and while the sound is grainy and aged, the vocals for an eighties-style song that sounds like it might be called “Love is The Reason” indicate that we may be getting a peek at some more unreleased and rare material from the performer as the continues crafting her life for the big screen.
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