Man In Malaysia’s Gay Video Leak Released

Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz / Image via Facebook

Malaysian political aide Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz has been released from jail.

Earlier this week, Aziz was arrested after an explicit video of himself engaging in gay sex leaked online. Aziz, who is a cabinet member and the Senior Private Secretary to the Deputy Minister of Primary Industries and Commodities, later admitted to being in the video through the below Facebook video.


Aziz confessed that the event happened on May 11 in a room at the Sheraton Hotel Four Points. Aziz also claims that the other man in the video is Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali. Ali, however, denies that statement.

After the video’s release, Aziz was suspended from his cabinet job. In addition, Aziz was arrested at the international departure hall of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The politician was trying to escape the country, according to Bukit Aman CID director Huzir Mohamed.

“Based on his ticket, he was to fly to Manila.” 


Deputy Minister of Primary Industries Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin also shares that he was questioned for almost five hours over the video and his subordinate.

“I have given all the explanation needed by the police, and it took nearly five hours,” said the politician after leaving the Melaka Contingent police headquarters.

“Nevertheless, I want to thank the police and the investigating officer who gave me good treatment and a comfortable place throughout the process.”

“I hope this case can be settled as soon as possible, so we can focus on more important issues,” he concluded.

Unfortunately, Malaysian is a country still run by Section 292, 504, and 377B of the Penal Code along with Section 233 Multimedia and Communication Act 1998. These are anti-gay laws set up by British colonization and pose a threat of up to 20 years in prison. In addition, the country continues to uphold those laws in order to defend conservative and religious rhetoric.

In March of this year, Tourism Minister Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi claimed that there were no queer or trans people in Malaysia, which gained widespread complaints from the LGBTQ community and allies. The tourism minister dared to make this statement despite the country hosting an Independent Sexuality festival every year.

Due to these laws, Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz’s situation looks grim. But, there is currently no word on what the government has in store for the former political aide.

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