New Digital Program Had A Hidden Secret Gay Messages At The World Cup

Audiences at the World Cup match between Russia and Saudi Arabia witnessed two men kissing during the game. That is, if they had the right app for it.


Marriage Unblocked has released a new augmented reality app that showed a hidden pro-LGBTQ message at the game.

After getting the program through their site, users were able to witness a gay couple kissing. Each man had a Russian and Saudi Arabian flag on their opposite cheek (as seen above).

The program works just like Snapchat or Pokémon Go does. With the program set, you can use your camera like normally, but the image of two men kissing will appear on the screen as well.

While anyone can use this “Love Will Win Tonight” program known as “tifo,” it was especially created for viewers at the Luzhniki Stadium where the first World Cup game happened earlier today (June 14).


This specific game was chosen because both Russia and Saudi Arabia are extremely anti-gay.

In addition, this camera filter is a promotion for #MarriageUnblocked.

Marriage Unblocked, by fashion brand Björn Borg, is a different digital program that allows people around the globe to get married virtually. They can have their wedding online and then gain a digital marriage certificate.

Then, that certificate can be recognized by Blockchain, the same company in charge of Bitcoins, to make the marriage as digitally viable as any other.

Whether you’re enjoying a sports event or looking to digitally reaffirm your relationship, it looks like technology is here to help.

h/t: GayStarNews

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