New Report Links Struggles With Sexual Orientation To Erectile Dysfunction

Photo by Mohammad Faruque on Unsplash

Would you feel comfortable if your doctor asked if you’re gay just because you have erectile dysfunction? Apparently, that’s becoming a more common occurrence for patients.


The British Society of Sexual Medicine (yes, that’s a thing), has released a new report that says they’re discovering a link between erectile dysfunction and sexual orientation.

Apparently, an author with BSSM thinks that around 100,000 United Kingdom men who are having problems with erectile dysfunction are also having problems with their sexual orientation.

This is leading to the author of the report, Dr. Geoff Hackett, saying urologists need to start having open discussions with patients about their sexual practices.

“There can no longer be an excuse for avoiding discussions about sexual activity due to embarrassment,” he says.


He continues:

“If a man is in a relationship with a woman and is having problems with erectile dysfunction it might be because they are in a relationship with the wrong gender. They might be able to overcome their issue if they come to terms with this. If you do not get at this problem you will waste a lot of time and ineffective treatment going down the wrong path.”

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash


If you’re wondering, “Who is this doctor and why does he get to decide how doctors should speak to their patients,” we can fill you in on a little of that.

Dr. Hackett is an expert when it comes to health issues related to sexual activities. He’s written over 100 papers and three books on the topic.

That said, not everyone’s accepting Hackett’s recommendation blindly.

The Sun spoke to the Royal College of GP’s Prof Helen Stokes-Lampard who said:


“There are many reasons for erectile dysfunction. It is essential patients have the safe space to discuss issues with their GP, whenever they choose to and in their own time.

But it is difficult to see how asking all patients unsolicited and impromptu questions about their sexuality is going to instill confidence and trust.”

Also, Gay Pop Buzz spoke to psychotherapist Marcello Gonzalez who shared:

“Doctors need to exercise care when asking about a patient’s sexuality. Making assumptions can be harmful, particularly if the person is already sensitive to this issue. There are a myriad of reasons why a man can’t achieve an erection. I’m not sure this is something should be asked out of the gate.”

h/t: GayPopBuzz

1 thought on “New Report Links Struggles With Sexual Orientation To Erectile Dysfunction”

  1. Very much reminds me of a

    Very much reminds me of a story I read lately – a straight guy who's visiting the doc. Not surprisingly he gets a prostate exam – and a happy ending


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