New Survey Shows How Many Chicagoans Identity As LGBTQ! 

According to Chicago Pride, the results from a first-of-its-kind study were released by the Chicago Department of Public Health. Among the numbers, the study shares that 7.5% – or 146,000 citizens – identify as LGBTQ! Hell yeah! The report was done to gather information to help the progress of the LGBTQ community in Chicago and to inform the city we're here to stay – well, some of us – and our needs must be on politician's priority list. Out of the mass number released, over ten thousand identify as Transgender. 


I am proudly from the Southside of Chicago, Illinois, which is more or less sometimes known as the slums. I've been gifted into having blood in my veins that has been passed down for several generations of Chicagoans.

Throughout my childhood, I longed for the days where I would eventually meet someone like me, you know, gay.

Although I had been a ruthless child, chatting with gay men online when I was literally in third grade, it wasn't until I reached the age of 14 and decided to make a Myspace profile when I eventually befriended others who were of like age and openly gay. Being a gay teenager in the mid 2000s was definitely not what it is now. 

Even though I decided to be a black sheep of my family and move away from the Windy City, I represent every which way I can. But while I was in Chicago, I dreamed of expanding my friendships and meeting people just like me. Fortunately, it wasn't long into my teenage years when I began to discover a plethora of gays far and wide, all hailing from the same city but different skin colors, voices, and levels of flamboyancy. After attending what was then known as Fag Frat parties (hosted by a slew of older men who targeted youth to celebrate their sexual orientation) I transcended into the beautiful abyss which we all know as Boystown: Chicago's primarily LGBTQ neighborhood. Those colorful streets have essentially raised me into the man I am today – chaos potentially included. I have always stated Chicago gays are the most welcoming, and most real in the nation. I mean, I did literally write a parodied version of Boystown into a self-published novel, Paused. But, I didn't realize how many of us LGBTQ citizens there truly are in Chicago! 


The estimates found that 138,000 adults identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual while 10,500 identify as transgender. Some adults fell into both groups.

In addition to the number of rainbows peeps inhabiting the city, the report also shares that Lesbian women are more likely to be smokers, LGBTQ youth are not getting wellness check-ups (which I completely agree), and male and female youth who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual are more likely to report being physically forced to have sex.

Does Gallup need to redo its poll?


3 thoughts on “New Survey Shows How Many Chicagoans Identity As LGBTQ! ”

  1. “Peeps”…the colloquial tone

    “Peeps”…the colloquial tone of this boy’s writing does make Instinct worse every day. 

  2. Can this author write a

    Can this author write a single piece without praising himself in some way or putting others down? Is he new? Who is letting him write? I feel like every time I read an article and find the author’s tone annoying it is by Mickey… “more or less sometimes known as”  Really? I don’t think that Chicago education worked out. Maybe he could have spent less time in chat rooms in third grade and more time studying (literally).  


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