Nina Pride Kicks Off Pride Month Early With A New Partnership

Nina West has made kindness her mission, her brand, and how she lives her life. It is a natural fit for her to partner up with Lane Bryant for their Say It With Pride campaign, but this year there is a twist to the campaign. As a die-hard Disney fan, West will be showcasing everything from Disney tees and Pride tees this year, while encouraging everyone to live and love out loud in a video series that drops throughout Pride month. Additionally, Lane Bryant will be making a $30,000 donation to GLSEN, a national education organization working to create safe and inclusive K-12 schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity

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Photo Courtesy-Staley Munroe for Lane Bryant

For West, partnering up with Lane Bryant on the Say It With Love campaign is a natural fit. ‘Say It with Love’ is literally how I have operated my entire career. When I walk into a room to perform or speak I go into it leading with kindness and love. Love is universal. The last year has been tough for everyone and I wanted to be able to bring a little bit of that PRIDE spirit of unity, love, and magic to everyone. Of course, it helped that some of this year’s designs feature Disney!! Who doesn’t love Disney?

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Photo Courtesy-Staley Munroe for Lane Bryant

Nina West has had a dedication to all things Disney for her entire life (her performance of a cavalcade of Disney tracks in one number is that of legend). So her idea for the ultimate collaboration with Disney is simple; “It’s always been a dream of mine since I was little to be a Disney Princess” she told me exclusively. “I would love to voice an iconic Animated Disney character! I would love to develop my own show with Disney, where I can bring a little bit of drag magic and LGBTQ inclusiveness! Maybe It’s time for a Drag superhero in the MCU or maybe a Drag Jedi who teaches the ways of the force while being fabulous! Maybe Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy have a fab drag friend? would love to be able to be part of any of Disney’s iconic families of entertainment!”

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Photo Courtesy-Staley Munroe for Lane Bryant

As we all emerge back into the world, the performer who coined the phrase Go Big Be Kind Be You plans to continue on her path of kindness. She told me “We could all use a smile, we could all use kind words and kind gestures and to know that we all belong. We are allowed to be who we are without fear and that there are people who are there to assist us without judgment. It’s no different now than pre-pandemic. People need encouragement. If the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that we have a long way to go still and that there’s always work to be done. We still must be kind.”

Follow Nina West on her social media platforms here