Northern Ireland Looks To Theresa May For Marriage Equality

Yesterday, Northern Ireland saw two challenges for marriage equality turned down by the High Court. LGBT Activists are now calling on UK Prime Minister Theresa May to help bring equality to the area.


Northern Ireland is the only area that still does not have marriage equality in the UK. While the majority has voted to legalize marriage equality, the ultra-conservative Democratic Unionist Party has used its power of veto to halt it moving forward.

Presently the Northern Ireland Assembly isn’t functioning, and activists are saying the only way to bring equality is for Theresa May and the Westminster government to get involved directly.

Theresa May has said, “I want all British citizens to enjoy the fullest freedoms and protections. That includes equal marriage – because marriage should be for everyone, regardless of their sexuality.” However, it is unsure if she will make it a direct order as it could upset the balance with the DUP.

Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, has argued that homosexuals really don’t want to get married. They have no desire to change the definition of marriage, and are content being in a partnership.


Her views have lead people to call her homophobic, which she consistently denies.

We are rooting for our brothers and sisters to see marriage equality in Northern Ireland, and in Australia as the debate continues. 

H/T: PinkNews

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