Oh Pit Crew! Guille Flores is Hottie of the Week

If you’re an avid viewer of the RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise, you know that Drag Race España is a series that is full of heart, passion, and stunning looks. Season two is proving to be among some of the best episodes of the entire franchise because of the incredible talent that has been left all over the runway. But what keeps the fans coming back for more is undoubtedly the hotness that emanates from the gorgeous men on the Pit Crew.

Exhibit A: Allow us to introduce Guille Flores, a 30-year-old dancer from Valencia, Spain who has been a Pit Crew member for Drag Race España since season one. 

Instagram @guille_flores

If you follow Guille on Instagram, you know that he is a hot daddy…literally. Aside from leading a busy life as a director of a dance studio and working in the media, he is co-parenting a little one that sometimes makes a cameo on his socials.

It is Guille Flores’ sexy sense of humor and wicked good looks that make him this week’s Hottie of the Week.

To celebrate Guille’s native language and culture, we are including his interview in both Spanish and English.

Let’s get to know him a bit more:


INSTINCT: Where do you call home? 

GUILLE FLORES: 🇪🇸Nací en un pueblo de Sevilla llamado Ecija. Estuve toda mi infancia allí hasta que actualmente vivo en Valencia (España) con mi familia.

🇺🇸 I was born in a village in Seville called Ecija. I was there throughout my childhood and now I currently live in Valencia (Spain) with my family.


INSTINCT: Tell me about your dance and choreography career. How did you get into this?

GF: 🇪🇸 Recuerdo que con 4 años pedí a mi padre de hacer Ballet en el colegio. Ya que no había otra cosa más que fútbol o danza. Desde entonces he ido creciendo en los escenarios. Dedicándome al teatro musical y a la creación de shows, espectáculos, performances, en diferentes eventos y empresas de entrenamiento. Siempre me ha gustado crear y montar coreografías. 

🇺🇸  I remember when I was four years old, I asked my father to do Ballet at school since there was only football (soccer) or dance. Since then I’ve grown up on the stage. Dedicating myself to musical theatre and creating shows, performances, different events and training companies. I’ve always liked to create and ride choreographies.


INSTINCT: How did you become part of the Drag Race España Pit Crew?

GF: 🇪🇸 Recibí una llamada para preguntarme si me gustaría presentarme al casting de Pit Crew pero hay una historia previa a esta llamada que contaré más adelante cuando llegue el momento. Hahaha 

🇺🇸 I got a call asking  if I’d like to go to Pit Crew casting, but there’s a story before this call I’ll tell later when the time comes. Hahaha


INSTINCT: How is it being a new dad?

GF: 🇪🇸 Es el mayor premio que me ha podido tocar. Aún no soy consciente de la suerte que tengo de tener a mi pequeña. Es verdad que me tiene al 100% absorbido y dedicado por completo pero es que el amor que siento es inexplicable. Doy mi vida por ella.

🇺🇸 It’s the biggest prize I could ever have. I still don’t know how lucky I am to have my little girl yet. It’s true that she has me 100% absorbed and completely dedicated, but the love I feel is inexplicable. I would give my life for her.


INSTINCT: What’s something about you that most people wouldn’t know?

GF: 🇪🇸 Creo que soy bastante transparente y quien me conoce un poco me conoce por completo pero poca gente sabe que odio, detesto y me dan mucho asco las olivas!!!  🫒 hahaha 

🇺🇸 I think I am quite transparent and those who know me just a little bit know me completely. But few people know I hate, hate and am disgusted by olives!! hahaha 


INSTINCT: Other than your professional work and making content, what other things bring you joy?

GF: 🇪🇸Me encanta hacer deporte en el gym. Si. Es allí donde descargo mucha energía. También me gusta y apasiona el diseño y la moda. Me encanta diseñar ropa para espectáculos. Pero… hay una cosa que me vuelve loco y es comer en abundancia gominolas. 🍭

🇺🇸 I love doing sports at the gym. Yeah. That’s where I unload a lot of energy. I also love and am passionate about design and fashion. I love designing clothes for shows. But there is one thing that drives me crazy and it is eating gummies in abundance. 🍭


INSTINCT: What do you think is the most attractive part about yourself?

GF: 🇪🇸No se porque dicen que es mi culo porque también tengo una sonrisa muy bonita 😜

🇺🇸 I don’t know why they say it’s my ass because I also have a very pretty smile 😜

Courtesy Guille Flores

INSTINCT: What brings you happiness?


GF: 🇪🇸 Las vacaciones de verano hahaha

🇺🇸The summer holiday hahaha

INSTINCT: What, to you, defines sexy?


GF: 🇪🇸 Creo que algo sexy es algo que te despierta curiosidad y deseo. Puede haber algo mínimamente sexy que te puede gustar y atraer. O incluso algo muuuuy sexy que te llega a provocar deseo y ganas de tocar, lamber, comer, besar…😈

🇺🇸 I think something sexy is something that makes you curious and desire. There may be something minimally sexy you can like and attract. Or even something very sexy that gets you to make you desire to play, lick, eat, kiss… 😈

INSTINCT: What is your proudest moment in your life thus far?


GF: 🇪🇸 Profesionalmente poder haber abierto mi propia escuela de danza.  Ser director de ella es algo que me tiene ahora bastante entretenido. Y evidentemente en mi vida personal sería ser padre. 

🇺🇸 Professionally, having opened my own dance school. Being a director is something that has me quite busy now. And obviously in my personal life it is becoming a father.

INSTINCT: What haven’t you accomplished, personally or professionally, that you are wanting to do in the next 2-3 years?

GF: 🇪🇸 Profesionalmente lucho y sueño por alcanzar una nueva 🏁 meta dentro del mundo del arte y la danza. Tengo un objetivo en mente que próximamente podré desvelar. #sevienencositas 

🇺🇸 Professionally I yearn and dream to reach a new 🏁 goal within the world of art and dance. I have a goal in mind that I will be able to reveal soon #thingsarecoming 


INSTINCT: Have you found love? If so, what is the best part of your relationship and what do you love most in your partner(s)?

GF: 🇪🇸 Hace 6 años me crucé con el hombre que ahora es padre de mi hija @rafadiaztevar y que compartimos gustos, aficiones y deseos, desde los más profesionales a los más sensuales 🔥 en mi 30 cumpleaños que fue el pasado 25 Marzo tuve la ocasión de poder pedir matrimonio y (como la Veneno dice: QUE ME CASO! ) 

🇺🇸 Six years ago I met the man who is now the father of my daughter @rafadiaztevar and with whom I share tastes, hobbies and desires, from the most professional to the most sensual 🔥 On my 30th birthday, I had the opportunity to ask him to marry me and he said yes!


Rapid fire question time: 

  • What is your all-time favorite movie? 
    • Disney’s Mulan
  • Who is your biggest celebrity crush? 
    • Jake Gyllenhaal 🤤
  • What is your favorite cheat meal or snack? 
    • Vanilla Ice cream and white chocolate
  • If you were stuck on an island for eternity, what music album would you want to have with you? 
    • None specifically, but I’m sure I’d choose a 90’s International Pop mix


INSTINCT: What does it mean to be featured as our Instinct Hottie?


GF: 🇪🇸 Toda una suerte y un honor que os haya fijado en mi. Es una oportunidad única para que puedan conocer desde la otra parte del mundo la sangre caliente que corre por mis venas. Puedo representaros 100% el perfil de vuestro hombre Instinto Hottie. Y espero no sea la última. 

🇺🇸 I feel lucky and honored that you’ve noticed me. It’s a unique opportunity to know for you to know, from the other part of the world, the hot blood that runs through my veins. I proudly represent you as an Instinct Hottie 100%…and I hope it’s not the last time.

INSTINCT: Anything else you’d like to share with the Instinct readers?


GF: 🇪🇸 Se me da muy bien todo lo que tenga que ven con las manos y manualidades, tengo mucha destreza… quiero decir (no penséis mal) peinar pelucas y crear tocados de vértigos. Hehehe Estáis tod@s invitad@s a España y sobre todo a las playas de Valencia.

Aquí tenéis un sexy amigo esperando.

🇺🇸 I am very good at everything that has to do with hands and manual labor, I have a lot of skill… I mean (don’t think wrong) to comb wigs and create special hairdos. Hehehe 

All of you are so welcome to come to Spain and above all to the beaches of Valencia. Here’s a sexy friend waiting.

Courtesy Guille Flores

Follow Guille Flores on Instagram for your daily dose of this hottie’s jamón. 

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