Activist, journalist, and author, Michelangelo Signorile honored his friend and former mentor, Larry Kramer on his SiriusXM show, The Michelangelo Signorile Show, by interviewing Kramer’s husband, David Webster on Thursday. The interview, which was Webster’s first interview since Kramer died on May 27th, can be found at Signorile’s website.
Signorile met Kramer in 1988 in ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power). Kramer would have been 85 on Thursday. Signorile acknowledged Kramer’s birthday in a post on Facebook.
“On this day that marks the 85th birthday of the late Larry Kramer, the prophetic, loud and influential AIDS activist and playwright who died last month,” Signorile wrote, “his words about AIDS ring true about coronavirus. Kramer often called AIDS a ‘genocide’ against the gay community. The same can be said about Trump and coronavirus and the groups it disproportionately kills.”
In 2015, Signorile wrote a book called It’s Not Over: Getting Beyond Tolerance, Defeating Homophobia, and Winning True Equality. In the book, Signorile warned the LGBTQ+ community to not get complacent after the marriage equality victory. His reasoning behind this was the fact there was still an overpowering amount of bigotry towards the LGBTQ+ community which stemmed from various sources.
Sources: The Signorile Report, Michelangelo Signorile Facebook Page, It’s Not Over Official Website,