Parkland Survivor Slams GOP!

Parkland Survivor Slams GOP!


He Claims They Care More About Gay Wedding Cakes!

The absolute tragedy of the school shooting in Florida has overtaken the media since February 14th. The event has sparked a national war against the NRA with some of the survivors calling out Donald Trump and many other members of congress for taking donations from the controversial association. At the end of the day, 17 lives were taken by a madman and it’s quite clear there needs to be a change in society and gun laws all around.

While the interviews of survivors have been empowering and will continue to pop up on our social media in the coming weeks, one brief interaction from a student has really touched me. Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the tragic ordeal, spoke to CNN. From the heart, Kasky assures us that we should be making the shooting political. It appears that the majority of the students interviewed have agreed on the same beat. Kasky, however, makes his claim against the GOP. He even goes on to state that the GOP cares more about “rainbow wedding cakes” than saving the lives of the youth.

Check out the full interview with Kasky below. He definitely has the LGBTQ community on his mind throughout his triumph and survival!



2 thoughts on “Parkland Survivor Slams GOP!”

  1. The surprise by the author

    The surprise by the author that a young person would be so engaged in politics and make such an accurate statement shows he does not talk with too many high school students who in many cases are well informed and articulate.


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