Polis is First Sitting Governor Ever To Have Same-Sex Wedding

photo credit: theguardian.com

Colorado Governor Jared Polis loves being the first at something. In 2008 he was the first openly gay man elected to the House of Representatives. Ten years later he became the first openly gay man ever elected governor. And on Wednesday, he and his partner Marlon Reis were married, the first same-sex marriage for a sitting United States Governor! 



The couple, both in their 40s, grew up in a time gay marriage was never even considered a possibility in their lifetime. Reis, spoke to NPR about life when he was younger,

“As I was growing up, marriage was not even in the realm of possibility. And in fact, the reality was that there was a lot of misinformation out there about what could potentially happen if you came out — what opportunities would you lose, how it would negatively impact you. So for a long time, the idea of getting married, we didn’t talk about it.”

The couple chose to get married on a very important day to both of them: the 18th anniversary of their first date. Remembering that date, Polis said, “We met online and went out on a date and we went to the Boulder bookstore and then went to dinner.” The wedding, a traditional Jewish ceremony, was held in Boulder, at the University of Colorado, where Reis graduated from college.




The newlyweds are parents to two children, both of whom were a part of the ceremony. Their 7-year-old daughter served as the flower girl; their 9-year-old son was the ring bearer. As their son, while happy for his dads, got right to the point as kids do, and asked: “why do people get married?” Their daughter, however, was beyond thrilled with her job as a flower girl, said Polis, “She was all in on being a flower girl. She’s been prancing around. She got a great dress. She’s terrific.”



Reis admitted his husband has been the first at many a thing, but emphasized,

“Over the course of Jared’s career in Congress, you know, we didn’t set out to be the first of anything. Things sort of happened that way,”

In his comments, the Governor mentioned that this wedding would not have been possible just a few years ago,

“People could say we took 18 years to get around to it, or you could say we took six years to get around to it. “


Referencing Obergefell v. Hodges and the year 2015 when a Supreme Court ruling finally made gay marriage legal across the country. The Governor beamed recalling the day’s events,

“But it was great to celebrate our love for one another with our family.”

Sources – NPR

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