Another Florida University Cancels Appearance Of Social Media Blowhard Yiannopoulos

"Don't give him the time of day."  That is a very popular comment when Milo Yiannopoulos is mentioned.  Well it looks like Florida Institutions of Higher Education is trying to do that … sort of.  Back in June, the University of Central Florida canceled at the last minute an appearance by Milo.  Briebart posted this in response to the UCF cancelation.



It is no longer safe for a gay man to give a talk on an American university campus.


That’s the message we’re left with today, after campus police at the University Of Central Florida, Orlando, cancelled a scheduled event with Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos following threats of violence on social media.

Brett Meade, Deputy Chief of Police at UCF said he made an executive decision to postpone the event due to lack of resources to assure Milo’s security.

They have 70 officers deployed for tonight’s vigil at the university and “cannot guarantee focus” on anything but that event.  –



What a headline, huh?  "It is no longer safe for a gay man to give a talk on an American university campus." I've never read much from the Briebart page, but by this one post alone, it shows that Milo belongs there.  Thanks for the laugh and the sensationalism, Briebs.

Now, another institution in Florida had to once again cancel an appearance by Milo because of safety concerns.




Florida Atlantic University indefinitely postponed an event featuring controversial Breitbart tech reporter Milo Yiannopoulos after a “threats of violence,” according to university officials.

Yiannopoulos was scheduled to deliver a lecture he called “How Feminism Hurts Women” at the university today,]September 29] Breitbart writes.

“The threats were related to Mr. Yiannopoulos’s visit to FAU’s Boca Raton campus and are not considered general threats to the university,” wrote Lisa Metcalf, university spokeswoman, in an email. The investigation is ongoing and no other details were provided.

The event, coordinated by a student group called Liberty Caucus, was not funded by the university, Metcalf said. –



Briebart added that these threats found to be credible by the F.B.I. and were against Milo as well as FAU students.  The online publication also added "Yesterday, the anti-semitic and white supremacist website The Daily Stormer called yesterday for a “holy crusade” against the “kike” Milo, encouraging its readers to attend and disrupt MILO events."

If states are banning travel to others that are discriminating against LGBT individuals, if major sports organizations are moving events from states due to ignorant laws, why aren't colleges and universities banning well known hate mongers like Milo? 

Is it so important to hear the voice of hatred? 


Is it so important to hear from someone that may represent a small fraction of society that we all know is in the wrong? 

If these are state institutions, shouldn't we hear from the state about Milo's planned appearances?

We don't like to result to violence or the threat of it, but if it does stop someone like this, is it okay?

Is it okay to cover Milo because of occurrences like this or should we never mention him again? 



5 thoughts on “Another Florida University Cancels Appearance Of Social Media Blowhard Yiannopoulos”

  1. Free Speech is under attack

    Free Speech is under attack on University Campuses. Those students who have not been tempered in their thoughts by controversy will be more easily swayed into the loss of their Freedom under the banner of safety.

  2. this is a magazine? this is

    this is a magazine? this is an article? is this writer so lost he needs to solicit the denizens of cyberspace for guidance?  is it a cry for help? he seems conflicted. 

    • Hi Jay,

      Hi Jaay,

      No, it's not an article, but a blog. Read my bio. Are you a fellow denizen of cyberspace since you use it and comment on it? Far from a cry for help. 

      Where is my conflict?   Or are you confusing my asking for your input for a cry for help.  As a college educator, I know where I stand.

  3.   Well there’s a how-to-do

      Well there's a how-to-do for ya'.  You just insinuated that being violent against someone because they have an opinion different than yours, might be a good thing. ???!!! And Milo's is the "voice of hatred?"  Quit pretending to be a journalist, or stick to facts.  The reason you and others like you who want to get rid of people like Milo instead of having a debate or even an adult conversation, is because the facts aren't on your side.  You result to name calling when you have anyone tell you that you might be wrong.  Milo isn't going away and the voice of the conservative alt. right is only getting louder and stronger.  There are countless voices like his and many that will follow who will fight to protect the rights that you so cavalierly cast aside as an inconvenience.  Demonize every last one of us, but don't ever doubt that you and your ever shrinking minority of elitists, will be able to control us with sensorship, fear, and violence.  

    • I don’t agree with the

      I don't agree with the threats at all.  I worked on several college campuses and to have threats come in like that, it creates a hostile scared environment for a much longer period of time than when just a controversial speaker was to be in attendance.  I don't think the threats against him are a positive thing.  Not one bit.  He can still exist.  I don't need to get rid of him.


      You're dismissed.  how-to-do yourself.


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