Kathy Griffin Takes Over The World!

Kathy Griffin Takes Over The World!


Releases Taylor Swift Parody To Announce Her World Tour!

She’s back! Well, wait has she ever left?! Seriously, this has been more of a rollercoaster year for Kathy Griffin than doing an Emmy award winning reality show. Griffin has had a handful of shortcomings this year, including her former favorite gay, Anderson Cooper, literally abandoning her after the Donald Trump decapitation photograph. Add an insane neighbor harassing her into the mix, being black balled from Hollywood, and having some shady fans turn their backs on you…yeah. Griffin deserves a break – and so do we! Unfortunately, we won’t be receiving another comedy special on Bravo anytime soon. However, lucky for us, Griffin just announced she’s going on a world tour!

She decided to announce her world tour, appropriately titled: Laugh Your Head Off, by doing what Griffin does best: Parody and mock celebrities. She pays homage to Taylor Swift’s latest number one single, Look What You Made Me Do. Griffin teases us in the same imagery of Swift’s music video, proving she knows her audience. Griffin’s fans, who surprisingly don’t have a pet name (Monsters, Lambs, etc), live to see her mocking celebrities and sharing her inside, D-List Hollywood stories. With the year of hell Griffin has had, this is no doubt about to be her best tour yet!

I’ve never seen Griffin live, in person or doing stand-up, so I’m completely thrilled to support her. In the many dark days of my young, gay childhood – Griffin was there to lift me up by making me laugh. She always made me feel I wasn’t alone. I cannot wait to show that support back to her by seeing her on tour – her world tour. But, unfortunately, that’s just what I found out this is. A world tour, as in international. Ugh! Come back home, Kathy!


I implore you to check out her hilarious promotional video below:

Don’t forget to check out Griffin’s tour schedule here.

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