Kirsten Dunst Calls Gay Fan “Pathetic”!



Kirsten Dunst Calls Gay Fan “Pathetic”!

And We Love it!

Kirsten Dunst is, was, and will always be the only girl my gay-heart has ever had a crush on. Seriously, I randomly got to meet her while working my first year living in Los Angeles and while she definitely doesn’t remember me, I couldn’t forget the sweetness that shined off of her. I watched her live out all of my gay childhood fantasies on film: being the cute tween in Jumanji, being the most popular cheerleader in Bring It On, and almost plunging to her gruesome death in Tower of Terror. The list goes on and on. I honestly believe I may be the only person who still has an unwrapped, mint condition Mary Jane Parker toy from the Spiderman film for safekeeping. It will be worth money someday, right? Or maybe I’ll just get buried with it.

Nevertheless, throughout my years into gay adulthood, I’ve come to realize that I wasn’t the only gay boy who was crushing on – or wanted to be – Dunst. There have been plenty of other gay men who recite her monolouges from Crazy, Beautiful and claim Amber Atkins as their favorite character in Drop Dead Gorgeous.


Turns out that Louis Virtel, who is randomly one of my Facebook friends, feels the exact same way about Dunst that I do. He decided to tweet his fandom to her.

Simple and sweet right? Dunst isn’t usually very responsive on her social media accounts, because, lets's face it, SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE! We love her anyway. But she shocked us all by giving Virtel exactly what he wanted. She calls him…PATHETIC.


Of course, Virtel isn’t offended by Dunst’s comment whatsoever. Who wouldn’t love to get a snippy remark from Claudia, the youngest vampire ever in Interview with a Vampire? He responded claiming that his dream had come true.


Ahh! He’s so lucky!

Dunst is an advocate for the LGBTQ community and has been seen presenting awards at the HRC. We love you, Kirsten!

This article originally appeared on Buzzfeed.

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