2018 has been a good year for Corey Johnson.
At the very start of the year, Johnson swore into the position of the Speaker of New York City Council. This position happens to be the second most powerful elected office role in the city. Johnson, who is openly gay, is the first person living with HIV to be elected into the position as well.
“We believe in New York where no one is targeted simply because of who they are — Muslim New Yorkers, immigrants, the undocumented, African Americans, Jewish New Yorkers, transgender New Yorkers,” said Corey in a speech he gave after the vote. “We must reject hate in all its forms and stand united against bigotry and racism.”
Then in September, Johnson posted a thread of emotional and heartfelt tweets on the anniversary of his HIV diagnosis.
Now at year end, Johnson is leaving 2018 on a funny but strong note as he tweeted out a video of himself singing the theme song to Full House with a friend.
Meanwhile, Johnson is about to take on another powerful political role.
Johnson is about to become the acting public advocate starting January 1. He’ll hold both positions until February 26, when a special election will take place to replace Letitia James who was elected as state attorney general in November. Then, someone like Daniel O’Donnell will take over the position.
Johnson won’t let the dual-positions go by unused however. According to the New York Times, Corey Johnson has a plan to use the two roles until the end of February.
As the New York Times writes:
“Donning his public advocate hat, he plans to call attention to the performance of the city’s 311 complaint line by releasing data about response times at various city agencies, and the number of calls it takes to get a problem corrected. Then, as City Council speaker, he will hold hearings about the 311 data.”
“He said he plans to add interactive maps, created by the Council’s data team, to the public advocate’s website to help pair students with schools. He has scheduled a survey of subway riders — online and in person — and will be making appearances at train stations in all five boroughs to query passengers over five days in January.”
Congratulations on the wonderful 2018 had by Corey Johnson. We can’t wait to see how 2019 goes for you.
h/t: New York Times
one does not need to be born and raised New Yorker to love it! You seem to be really critical- have you run for government? What is "phoney"….being gay, hiv, an advocate,… what specifically other than attempting to work with adversaries, including yourself is so horrible?
He should have been born in
He should have been born in NYC if he's going to endanger NYC natives. How would he like ME to go to his hometown in Massachusetts and espouse we make the population half-Muslim ? When it comes to endangering his own family I bet he wouldn't be so quick to take action. But his most obvious phoney quality is the way he criticizes homophobia yet sucks up to Rev. Ruben Diaz, even visiting him in the hospital. I guess the ferocious homophobia of Diaz can be overlooked when it's someone you need for more connections in the NY Democrat community.
And why is he talking about
And why is he talking about making NYC safe for Muslims ? Huh ?? I think if we look at six major attacks in NYC in recent years it's Muslims who are the ones making it unsafe for everyone else. Dopey Corey has things all topsy-turvey.
Corey Johnson is a self
Corey Johnson is a self-serving phoney. Typical lying politician. Not even from NYC. He kisses the ass of Democrat virulent homophobe Rev. Ruben Diaz (from the Bronx) in order to keep all of his options open. Horrific person for what is becoming a horrific city.