Report Explores The Use and Sales of Illegal Drugs on Grindr

NBC News has published a report linking Grindr to the sale of illegal drugs.


The world of PNP has nearly destroyed my life many times over. Knock on wood I survived, but the damage it caused is something I have to live with for the rest of my life.

To anyone with experiences like mine, this is story old news—but many may very likely find it eye-opening.

In the report, NBC speaks with drug dealers about their use of Grindr to move product, relying heavily on widely understood code.


Some lingo in case you’re not in the loop. PNP = “Party and Play,” a term used to describe wild sexual activities enhanced by hard drugs — notably methamphetamine, GHB, cocaine and ketamine. This is also referred to as “chemsex” by some.

I’m in recovery, and thusly I can’t use Grindr ever again in my life. The sale and use of drugs is all over the place on the app. Common Grindr lingo for drugs: “T” means “Tina” the street name for meth, “Party” and “ParTy” or any emojis that look like something you’d find at a party usually imply hard drugs, especially meth.

A diamond or crystal emoji = crystal meth. Cloud emoji = meth clouds. Stay away if you value your health in the slightest.


When you’re high on crystal meth and other drugs, you become sexually voracious and uninhibited. You also quickly lose everything that’s important in life. And a lot of guys who get tangled up in it die. 

To NBC News, this is all apparently quite riveting, explosive and new. To me, it’s old hat.

It’s easy to buy drugs on Grindr. I did it a lot, back in the day.

Also, earlier this year we found out Grindr has been selling our [very] personal information like HIV status and sexual preferences with outside companies. 


Addiction is hell. PNP has a cute enough sounding name–but make no mistake: it can be DEADLY. Meth is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, and you’re damn lucky if it doesn’t kill you. It’s perfectly reasonable to be frustrated with Grindr for their lack of commitment to cleaning up and monitoring the world’s most popular gay dating app.

For the report: NBC News

h/t: Pink News

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