Tom Daley In Deep Water Over Selfie? Too Deep?

You wouldn't think a man in a speedo could be accused of false advertizing. I mean what could he be hiding?!?


Tom Daley himself was not accused of false advertising, but the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has taken the steps to ban a commercial he was featured in.  The advertisement by HTC seems to be implying a litle more than its phone can deliver.

The ad has Tom Daley using the new squeezable HTC U11 to take selfies while walking around a pool and even jumping/falling off a diving board and into the swimming pool taking the phone with him.

Someone complained that the phone was listed as water resistant up to one meter under fresh water, nothing about larger depths or chlorinated water.

The HTC Europe company was quick to point out that the 3 feet or 1 meter depth was not passed since the Olympic diver did not go that far into the water, landing feet first and therefore slowing him down before going too deep.


The ASA still said no, sorry, it was too misleading that the phone may work in a pool and people may go deeper than the 1 meter mark. Not everyone can jump from 10 meters and stop within 1 meter. We're all not sexy, yummy, hot, cute as a button, talented Olympians.

So is Tom in hot water? deep water?  Tom's wet? Screw the phone. Here's Tom Daley in a speedo.


1 thought on “Tom Daley In Deep Water Over Selfie? Too Deep?”

  1. If Tom has a good Agent he

    If Tom has a good Agent he got a large lump sum up front and is not counting on receiving most of his money in fees for each repetition of the commercial. 


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