Exciting news keeps happening as we get closer and closer to WorldPride in June.
WorldPride just announced a groundbreaking initiative on Thursday, May 16 called the World Mural Project.
It is a public art project that brings together ally artists and LGBTQ+ artists to paint public murals that speak to the lived LGBTQ+ experience.
Their hopes are that it creates a public dialogue on LGBTQ+ rights and queer art throughout New York City.
The initiative will have artists paint 50 murals across all boroughs (like the one seen above) for the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. These aren’t artists just based in the Big Apple as some are traveling internationally just for this special event.
“Art, in all its forms, has always been an integral means of expression in the LGBTQIA+ community, and particularly meaningful to the fabric of New York City’s culture,” said Chris Frederick, Executive Director of NYC Pride. “Street art is a poetic example of this expression and the 50 WorldPride muralists will, no doubt, combine beauty and poignant messaging at a time when our collective stories can be – and must be – told.”
Macy’s will also be hosting five of the murals in their windows as well for the whole month of June. You can see a tentative landing page about the project and get to know the artists participating at worldpridemuralproject.org.
WorldPride 2019 | Stonewall 50 will be comprised of more than 25 different events for LGBTQIA+ and allied people during the full month of June 2019. Throughout the course of the celebration, all WorldPride events will ladder up to the foundational theme, “Millions of Moments of Pride.” Performers confirmed include Ciara, Grace Jones and Teyana Taylor.
Join New York City, and the world, this June as we honor the past, celebrate our differences and march together for our future. For more information, visit: www.worldpride.org.