Pulse – Eli Lieb & Brandon Skeie. An Amazing Song In Response To The Orlando Massacre.

It's been an honor knowing Brandon Skeie and seeing his success over the past few months.  He just finished performing at Boston Pride this year and I couldn't be happier for him.  But like many of us this past weekend, he went from a personal high celebrating Pride to crashing with us all down to a national low in a matter of hours.  We all agree with you Brandon when you say, "this event will forever change history and has 100% changed my outlook on life."


On  Brandon's Facebook page this morning was the following post.

The past few days have shaken all of us but they WILL NOT break us. Eli Lieb Hillary Bernstein Mimoza Blinsson & I decided to do what we do best in order to support those affected & those who lost their lives during the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando… write. This song is called Pulse & represents all of us. We are one united body & we must stand together. Spread awareness & donate to the families affected with the links in the description of the video. BE HERE for each other. ‪#‎weareorlando‬ ‪#‎feelmypulse‬ – Facebook post

Brandon told me. " I am so scared by what has happened. [This song] was needed.

Thank you guys and girls for this great song.  It will be on repeat for days. Have a listen.




From the YouTube page they write …

We dedicate this song to the victims of the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting #WeAreOrlando



So you say this is human
Your heartbeat versus mine
Im in chains cause I'm choosing
showing love or living life
I shouldn't have to leave where I stand
I shouldn't have to change who I am
To count as a human
Feel my pulse
With your hand on my heart
You know it beats just as hard as yours
Feel my pulse
Feel my pulse
Can't you see that im scarred
I'm just the same as you are so just
Feel my pulse
I wish I could reach them
And strip away what separates
It's the same air we're breathing
The same tears run down our face
So I don't have to leave where I stand
And I don't have to change who I am
To count as a human
Feel my pulse
With your hand on my heart
You know it beats just as hard as yours
Feel my pulse
Feel my pulse
Can't you see that im scarred
I'm just the same as you are so just
Feel my pulse


To donate to the families affected by the the Pulse Nightclub Shooting click below.

To donate to the family of Christina Grimme click below.

Grief hotline: http://www.allianceofhope.org

Song available for free download at https://soundcloud.com/brandonskeie/e…


Song written by Eli Lieb, Brandon Skeie, Hillary Bernstein, and Mimoza Blinsson

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