Rainbow Nazi SS Cartoon Enrages Many In Australia.



In an article entitled "Gay Marriage Cartoon Compares LGBT Supporters To Nazis, Gets Shut Down By Rival Cartoonists," the HuffingtonPost.com dives into cartoon review.  What do you think of the above drawing? 


Many readers called the cartoon outrageous, jumping to the historical fact that homosexuals were persecuted in the concentration camps just like the Jews.  



The HuffingtonPost.com itself shared the tweets of outraged readers sharing historical drawings of homosexuals living, trying to survive in concentration camps.  head over there to see more like this one:



What was the creator of the rainbow colored SS trying to say?  Was he thinking that the LGBT community and its supporters are railroading a nation into following their beliefs like the Nazis did? 

What do you think he meant?  

Do you think this is a good conversation starter?

Should a cartoon / drawing like this one be pulled?


Australia is gearing up to vote on same-sex marriage that the ruling Liberal Party has been pushing for.  But the opposition Labor Party has hinted it will block such a vote, arguing the Government should simply legislate for gay marriage without one. Australia is one of the last countries in the developed world to still only allow marriage between a man and a woman.  A recent poll found 57% of Australians favour gay marriage. – huffingtonpost.com

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