Rocketman: A Mashup Musical Starring Garrett Clayton Pays Tribute To Elton John

Screen shot from Rocketman:  A Mashup Musical

Launching a social media campaign to bring awareness for Worlds Aids Month, Jesse Pattison (@_jptv_)TV has created an exciting new music video mash up Rocketman: A Mashup Musical. The hope is to launch a social media campaign to bring awareness for Worlds Aids Month. We all know that World AIDS Day is a global initiative to raise awareness, fight stigma, and improve education about HIV, the virus that causes AIDSWorld AIDS Day is December 1, but not many know that December Is AIDS Awareness Month.

“My inspiration for this has began with my love, and adoration of Elton’s music. I knew I had to create something after watching ROCKETMAN for the first time. As Worlds AIDS day was approaching, I couldn’t think of a better way to share a foundation that has my heart. The Elton John AIDS Foundation. ” says Jesse Pattison. The goal is to share an incredible message to the ROCKETMAN fans, ELTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION supporters, and the LGBT community. As it is the time of support and giving, we have created a video to help our community.


We celebrate the Elton Johns Foundation on World Aids Day. Today, over 36 million people live with HIV, 40% unaware they have the virus. Sir Elton’s actions and advocacy on behalf of people living with AIDS remain an inspiration to us all.

Seismic shifts in tackling HIV/AIDS do happen. We all have the same goal: getting to an AIDS free world by 2023.

Swipe through these shots posted on Jesse Pattison’s Instagram.



We have produced social media video to share this message. No one will be left behind. We thank Elton for an amazing career that has inspired the world. We wish best of fortune to ROCKETMAN in the 2019 awards season, the “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” Tour, and the Elton John Aids Foundation.


The video was released on December 1st on World AIDS Day, but we must remember that December is AIDS Awareness Month, and we must remember that we need to be safe every single day of the year, fight every singe day of the year, have hope every single day of the year.

Produced/directed by JPtv, in association with Cosmic Lake Entertainment. Starring Garrett Clayton, Jesse Pattison, Merrick Hanna, Montana Tucker, Jai Rodriguez, and Santwon McCray

All Eyewear by QUAY Australia.

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