Rose McGowan Says, “I Don’t Wanna Be A Man Or A Woman.”

Rose McGowan has had a rollercoaster of a life in the past few years. The actor known most for a role in the tv show Charmed has in fights left and right.


It seems a casualty in those fights were trans people. First, with a fight with Caitlyn Jenner and then with a trans protestor.

Now in a shocking twist of fate, news sources are reporting that McGowan has come out as gender Non-Binary. But what's the truth behind the story?

The inciting moment happened when McGowan was recording a podcast for Love Alexi. Together with host Alexi Wasser, McGowan delved into the topic of gender.

Host Wasser shared that she saw a meme where someone said they wanted the confidence of a mediocre white man.


McGowan responded by saying, “But I actually don’t, because that confidence is mediocre too.”

McGowan then added, “I don’t wanna be a man or a woman. That’s the thing, I’m not.”

Wasser followed up by commenting that she feels “we're all souls,” to McGowan’s agreement, before the conversation then transitioned into other topics.


Later in the hour and twenty minute long recording (which you can find below), the Charmed actor discussed the need for humanity to take a step back from the society its built up over the centuries. McGowan says this would be better than minutely dissecting constructs like gender roles.

“I think we’re never going to solve anything by going into the man/woman construct. Step back to humanity.”

Keep in mind that this wasn’t a big “coming out” moment for Rose McGowan, but more the sharing of an ideology.


McGowan wasn’t necessarily saying that they want to live with the label of being Non-Binary, but more that they want to live separately from the oppressive constructs and labels created by others (male, female, or non-binary).

The conversation continued and segued into other topics like the MeToo movement, the Gay Rights Movement, and Harvey Weinstein. That said, at the heart of the conversation was Rose McGowan's consistent desire to not be labeled or confined by society's expectations.

“[People say] ‘It’s easy for you to say you’re a cis white female’, I’m like look asshole, don’t bore me, don’t put me in your construct, you do not get to say what I am, you do not get to tell me who I am, you do not get to tell me what my intentions are or paint me with a brush that I didn’t buy."

You can listen to the entire podcast down below.

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