Roy Moore Wants To Criminalize Gay Sex

Roy Moore is running for Senate and expressed that he wants to make gay sex illegal again. Image via Slate.

Former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore is running for Senate despite his multiple sexual abuse allegations and he said that if he gains a seat, he will fight to criminalize gay sex, according to AL Reporter

During a speech about how the Democratic party does not represent conservative values in Alabama (duh), Moore, who was accused of sexual abuse against young girls, talked about many things such as immigration, healthcare, abortion, and debt. As you can imagine, he did not have anything positive about those topics. But as a gay man, what really caught my attention was when Moore said that the United States should turn back the clock and return to the 1960s and 1970s when he believes people were more moral because there was no same-sex marriage, transgender rights, and sodomy was illegal. I guess he and I have differing definitions of what it means to be moral, because I wouldn’t really consider not letting two consenting and loving adults get married, tell them that their type of sex is illegal, and literally oppressing people to be moral acts. 


Moore also had something to say about Drag Queen Storytime, saying that it was pushing gender identity on kindergarteners. He said ““We have drag queens teaching kindergarten children…Gender identity is being taught in California to young kids and parents have no choice but to let their kids be taught that.”

None of this is surprising, given Moore’s history of being anti-LGBT. In 2005 he told C-Span that homosexual conduct should be illegal and even used bestiality as an analogy, saying “Just because it’s done behind closed doors, it can still be prohibited by state law… Do you know that bestiality, the relationship between man and beast, is prohibited in every state?” Disgusting. 

He also compared the Supreme Court Decision to make gay marriage legal nationwide to genocide, as when he was asked if he expected probate judges and other state officials to uphold the law (same-sex marriage), he mentioned the Nazis during the Nuremberg Trials who all claimed that they were following orders to kill people, equating killing Jewish people to gay marriage because in his mind they’re both morally reprehensible. 

It’s safe to say that Moore definitely should not become a Senator because his moral compass is seriously off. The fact that he wants gay sex to be illegal even though it literally does not affect him at all should tell people that he is unfit for a position in Congress, but I suppose that really hasn’t stopped anyone in the past. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get voted in because it could cause very real problems for LGBT people in the United States. 

Source: AL Reporter

3 thoughts on “Roy Moore Wants To Criminalize Gay Sex”

  1. Roy Moore like most evangelicals, uses Leviticus 20:13 as a cudgel for the LGBTQ community. The hilarious part for Moore is the fact the Bible for much of its history, didn’t call sex between two men a sin. Prior to the KJV Bible, Leviticus 20:13 was about pedophilia. Sucks to be you Roy.


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