Same-Sex Marriage Finally Legal in all of Mexico

In 2015, Mexican Supreme Court declared state laws preventing same-sex marriage unconstitutional. It took many states, however, years to adopt laws conforming to the ruling.

On October 26, 2022, lawmakers in the border state of Tamaulipas voted to legalize same-sex marriages, making it the last of Mexico’s 32 states to authorize these unions, reports the Associated Press.


The session took place in Independence Hall with groups for and against the measure shouting from the balcony looking on at the proceedings. Legislators had to relocate the debate and vote to a more quiet location.

The measure to amend Tamaulipas’ Civil Code passed with a 23 to 12 vote and two abstentions. Celebration and cheers of ‘¡Si Se Puede!’ (Yes, we can!) erupted from the supporters of the change.


Arturo Zaldívar, Justice of the Supreme Court shared in a tweet, “The whole country shines with a huge rainbow. Live the dignity and rights of all people. Love is love.”

Just the day before, lawmakers in the southern state of Guerrero approved similar legislation allowing same-sex marriages.

Source: Associated Press

1 thought on “Same-Sex Marriage Finally Legal in all of Mexico”

  1. As a gay couple from Mexico this is great news to us. We’ve been together 5 years and have been wanting to get married for the past 3 years. We can’t wait. Next summer we’re planning the big day.


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