Sex After Transitioning!

Sex After Transitioning!


Transgender Woman Talks Sleeping With Straight Men!

As I sit here typing I never once before wondered what it would be like to have sex after transitioning. I haven’t ever thought of transitioning in general, but damn am I a little bit curious to how I would feel. What an incredible sensation that must be! To experience one of the greatest gifts known to man – while finally being in the body you’ve known you were meant to be. It’s mind blowing to think about. While casually browsing the world wide web, I came across an article that had my jaw hit the floor. A transgender woman talks about how she feels now having sex with heterosexual men.

According to Broadly, Podcaster Charlie Craggs, claims to have slept with only gay men before transitioning into being a woman, although never identifying as a gay man herself. A self-proclaimed feminist, Craggs goes on to tell since she’s began sleeping with heterosexual men – as a woman – she realizes how differently it is to be treated as a woman; during sex. She describes the first time she had sex after transitioning. She’d been on a newscast and someone saw her and reached out to her online. She claims the sex was absolutely awful with him, especially since he didn’t make an effort, or care, if she, ahem, finished or not. Craggs admits:

“I realized that this is what my female friends have told me my whole life—guys just use you as a toy to wank with, they only care about themselves. I never saw him again after that. It was different when I was having sex with gay guys. It felt more equal; you both finish in the same way. Gay guys have more empathy and fucking manners—they want to make you come as well.”


Craggs expels the myth that all Transgender girls cannot finish due to taking hormones and there are plenty of heterosexual men who are sleeping with transgender women as they are “desirable”, and almost fetishizes the Transgender girls as “something to try”. Craggs goes on to state that often, she is asked to top a heterosexual man. She continues:

“There’s a group of straight guys that trans girls call chasers, because they want to have sex with every trans girl they can find; they just go through us all. They fetishize trans women, they’re dick pigs—solely dating trans girls and being really creepy about it as well. It’s not good to be a chaser; it’s not cute. If you only date trans girls and you don’t date other girls, it’s a real turn-off to me, because the only difference between them and me is a dick, literally.”

Craggs concludes with explaining that Transgender girls who begin sleeping with straight men need to initiate conversations about sex beforehand. But, then gives absolutely awful advice and promotes stealing from someone’s home if they don’t treat you right and get you to finish.



“Trans girls need to come too! Understand your worth, your body, and your needs and desires. You’re just as worthy as the man you’re sleeping with. Also, if he just uses you as a sex toy to wank in to, steal something from his house! He treated you like a prostitute, so you may as well get paid. I literally do that now. If the guy doesn’t treat me with respect—I just steal something walking out.”

Yes, Craggs just bluntly stated to please steal something from a guy if he’s using you as a sex toy. Or, how about don’t?! I appreciated her story and she started off as someone who got it, but that line left a bad taste in my mouth.

For Cragg’s full piece head here!

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