Slut Shaming PrEP Users, Similar To Treatment Of Birth Control Pill Takers?

I haven't had the PrEP talk with my doctor as of yet.  I haven't had the PrEP talk with anyone really.  Is it a personal choice or should we all be on it just because it is helpful? 


A recent video released by Fusion relates PrEP to birth control pills. Do you think that is a good parallel?  Watch and see.






I actually agree with the comparison.  Just because a girl is on the (birth control) pill, it doesn't mean she's going to forego protection and hump her away around town.  The same goes for PrEP users.  They're preparing for that time when something may happen and you're not ready to get pregnant / contract HIV. 

Of course we have learned that some users are using PrEP as their only defense against HIV like some women only use the pill for their protection against unwanted pregnancies (man-who-contracted-hiv-while-on-prep-speaks-out).

Thanks Fusion for showing us that we are being foolish when we slut shame every PrEP user out there, just like women on the pill have been degraded for years.


What are your thoughts?   Did the video hit it on the head with its comparison?


h/t:  Fusion

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