Tag Us Tuesdays! See Which Readers Are Playing Instinct Instagram Tag This Week.

Each time we paw through our Instagram tagged tab, we catch a different bunch of new followers and new pics.  We had some great ones tagging us, but they didn't follow us so we didn't include them below.  Hey, we all like followers so scratch out back and we'll return the favor. 


Let's catch up with some of the Instagrammers that decided to follow us and tag us on Instagram: @instinctmagazine . 

"Oh, and Luigi was Jewish."  We're going back a little so we may have a couple of post trickle in from Halloween. we saw a lot of Mario & Luigi couples out on Halloween, but maybe we weren't looking close enough to see the green one's religion. Some of those tight costumes were revealing enough to see. We think Jesse G. a.k.a. @electrojes and his partner in crime had oodles of fun on multiple Halloween nights as his account has him in several costumes. 





@hunterharden is winning my funny bone tonight with his seasonal post. Who knew he could high kick like that? We all know now.  But we do have a question.  Does this mean we are all done with pumpkin spice until next year? Please?!?





Ermahgawd!  It's a bear!  We've had a shortage of bears tagging us on here so we were excited to see @GKxYYZ , even if he is hungry.  We'll feed him. His account is full of food, costumes, and pics of that big ol' beard. Thanks thebeardedbaker, but I could not find out where you were physically located.




We were going to plan a trip to Myrtle Beach since it was in this Instagram post, but looking at @ksuib_fitness closer, we see that we will have to find those arms in San Diego.  That's fine with us, too!  And crap, he has cute dogs and they have their own Instagram accounts at @bear__meets__world & @the_book_of_rook 

We're official stalkers now!




We're putting this one in as well, cuz, well, it's hot, fun, and we love a man that doesn't give up!




Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!  @rudy_eugene_dominguez shows us what inspiration at 50 looks like. It looks like on our way to San Diego, we may have to stop in El Paso, Texas. 






We had the great pleasure of interviewing Faraz Arif Ansari for his fil, Sisak, which I happened to see during a vacation in Boise. Faraz is now working on his next project and placed an announcement on @farazarifansari looking for his next star. 






I've had a crush on Eric Turner @erictastic forever, so when I saw that @bruno.rand2 shared this pic from the Instinct Magazine archives, we had to share it as well. 



bruno also shared and tagged us in this pic of @thenickadams, too.







Once again, if you want to be in one of our round ups, tag us in a fun, hot, educationa, sexy, cute, different Instagram post AND follow us (Instagram: @instinctmagazine) in one of your Instagram posts and we will see what we can do.  We're only going to share the posts we are tagged in, so make your tags good ones!

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