Each time we paw through our Instagram tagged tab, we catch a different bunch of new followers and new pics. We had some great ones tagging us, but they didn't follow us so we didn't include them below. Hey, we all like followers so scratch out back and we'll return the favor.
Let's catch up with some of the Instagrammers that decided to follow us and tag us on Instagram: @instinctmagazine .
Quentin Cain, even though you are "Living A Life Of Balance, you have us flipping over your Instagram, since it's cainquentin, get it?
We see you're selling some product, Advocare, and have started your own fitness brand. We appreciate a man looking to make something of himself and looking good while doing it.
And thanks for tagging us on #NationalComingOutDay
May you always remember to be unapologetically perfectly imperfect.
Coming Out Day found a familiar face tagging us on an Instagram post. toddherzog did a throwback post to when he was on the cover of our print magazine. Todd became the winner of Survivor: China in 2007. We so happy to see you are doing well in 2018 and we'd love to visit Todd's world again soon. We should catch up!
Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake.
With a name like twerkforwerkllc, there's bound to be some bunny buns flopping around. Ashland did tag us in a bootylicious post. There's more of that to go around and around on his Instagram. Speaking of going around and around, can we put a request in for a video of your twerkforwerk-ing abilities?

-Tammy Baldwin
Another wonderful tag involving #NationalComingOutDay was from natejames91 and his rainbow flag.
The stylish Anthony Varrecchia adorns our tagged section on Instagram with such style and confidence. What we love about him is … well … everything. Can we be him a) when we grow up, b) now, c) and forever. Check out anthony.varrecchi for some great style hints as well as some great body pics.
Now if you get to the end and say, "hey, where are the bears? where's the variety?" We're right there with you. We would love to see some bears, otters, iguanas, crocodiles, other humans, tagging us so we can share the variety with our readers.
Once again, if you want to be in one of our round ups, just follow us on Instagram AND tag us (Instagram: @instinctmagazine) in one of your Instagram posts and we will see what we can do. We're only going to share the posts we are tagged in, so make your tag a good one!