The LGBTQ community’s acceptance and visibility just got that much bigger. Bermuda held its first pride celebration ever over Labor Day Weekend.

The event brought out more than 5,000 spectators and celebrated the island’s LBGTQ+ community. The festival included a parade, yoga, musical performances and panels.
Bermuda has a long reputation for being homophobic and intolerant even thought things appear to be improving there in recent years. Same sex marriages were first legalized by their Supreme Court in May 2017.

However, the Government subsequently passed a law banning same sex marriages and replaced them with domestic partnerships. That law was struck down rather quickly, in June 2018 and then again in November 2018 by the Court of Appeal, and ever since same sex couples have been able to marry freely in the British Overseas Territory.
Bermuda also enacted anti-discriminatory laws (in 2013) for the LGBTQ community. Same sex couples were able to adopt children as well beginning in 2015.

The Pride celebration that locals and tourists experienced over Labor Day Weekend is another step forward for us.

To learn more about Bermuda Pride, please check out their official website here.