Taylor Lautner Reveals What He Went Through to Keep ‘Twilight’ Role

Taylor Lautner is known for playing the role of shapeshifter/werewolf Jacob Black in the ‘Twilight’ movie series, which debuted on the big screen in 2008.


In an interview with Yahoo Life, the 30-year-old actor revealed what he went through to keep his fan-favorite role stating,

“For this little role that I did starting when I was 16, I was 140 pounds and I had to put on 35 pounds of muscle to keep my role. That was an absolute nightmare in the diet compartment — raw sweet potatoes and turkey patties and protein shakes that were essentially just mud.”

Lautner continued by admitting,

“That was rough. I had to consume at least 5,000 calories a day to maintain the weight that I was at.”


On the topic of food, he is also a good home cook on top of being a talented actor. In fact, he loves cooking for his fiancée Taylor Dome who is a registered nurse.

“I have a mean chicken thigh marinade. I do a great steak as well. I make a great cauliflower puree, and [my fiancée and I] love mushrooms and onions so we’ll do sautéed mushrooms and caramelized onions with pretty much any and every meal. My fiancée says everything I make is good, but she’s just buttering me up,” the actor shared.

Lautner and his fiancée got engaged on November 11, 2021, and they are currently in the process of planning for their wedding.

Source: yahoo.com/lifestyle

5 thoughts on “Taylor Lautner Reveals What He Went Through to Keep ‘Twilight’ Role”

  1. Apparently Talyor forgot to stop eating 5000 calories a day after he put on the muscle . It was sad to see him go from five star fitness to full figured fatty in a matter of a few years time. He was barely recognizable at one point. I hope he finds his way back someday.


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