Tel Aviv Is Rising In The Ranks Of Gay Porn?

We're so excited for Tel Aviv Pride this year.  But our trip there may start to look like a trip to Los Angeles or Fort Lauderdale.  All three cities are very LGBT friendly and great destinations for us homosexuals to visit, but now Tel Aviv is catching up with the US coastal towns in another way. Israel is becoming a destination for the gay porn industry.


According to film maker Haaretz, the gay porn industry in Israel has a boutique quality. He states that most of the content is being made with around 10 actors. These actors can expect to ear about $275 to $500 a day, which is a good amount more than the average daily pay in that country.


Is the intent to put LA and Fort Lauderdale out of business? “I’m not competing with foreign sites that show guys with abs who look like a million bucks,” said Haaretz. He elaborated that everything is more homey and looks more like amateur porn.



But not everyone is singing the praises of a bustling porn industry in Tel Aviv. Critics believe that with pornography comes prostitution, sex and human trafficking, basically sex for sale everywhere.


Looks like we will have to "bone-up" on our stars before we land in Tel Aviv.


Which type of porn do you prefer? 

Do you like the 8 pack porn?

Or do you gravitate toward the more amateur looking videos?



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