Texas Log Cabin Republicans Not Welcome at State’s GOP Convention

Photo via Log Cabin Republicans of Texas Facebook page

If the story of the Texas judge refusing to marry same-sex couples and the Texas Attorney General affirming her bigotry wasn’t enough to show the blatant anti-gay bias of officials in the Lone Star State, the news out of Texas’ State Republican Executive Committee from Saturday, February 1st will.  During the meeting of the Texas GOP committee in the state’s capitol, Austin, members tabled a motion to allow the Texas Log Cabin Republicans a booth at the Texas State Republican Convention as well as deny the gay GOP group official party recognition.

In the past 20 years applied to be a part of the state’s GOP convention and were denied each time according to the Houston LCR chapter president Marco Roberts.  During the weekend’s meeting, motions put forward to have a roll call vote on the LCR inclusion at the convention and for Roberts to speak were tabled.


In a statement posted on the chapter’s website, Roberts proclaimed the fight was far from over:

“Many of those who voted no told us we need to make our case at this convention, and convince more people of what we stand for, before they will change their vote in the future, regardless of how they personally feel. We intend to take their advice. It was evident from many of the claims and arguments presented that there are many serious misconceptions about who are the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas, and what we stand for. Clearly, we have more work to do. And again, we intend to do it.”

Marco Roberts, president of the Houston chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans (Photo credit: TribTalk)

Even though the group had the support of the Texas Young Republicans and U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw, the beliefs of the elder statesmen in the Texas GOP dominated the meeting.  The icy demeanor of these members stems from the fact that while members of the Log Cabin Republicans support the principles of the Republican Party, they dissent on the Texas GOP’s view against same-sex marriage.


Texas State Senator Bob Hall claimed groups like the Log Cabin Republicans promoted “unnatural sex.”

Texas Senator Bob Hall (Photo credit: ATexasRanger via Wikapedia)

Also, Steven Hotze, a Houston conservative that promotes faith and values, addressed an email to the LCR claiming the group supports “perverted sexual proclivities.”

In a video for the conservative YouTube channel, Right Wing Watch, Hotze referred to the homosexual political movement as termites “eating away at moral foundation of this country.”

Sources: Houston Chronicle, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Log Cabin Republicans of Houston

2 thoughts on “Texas Log Cabin Republicans Not Welcome at State’s GOP Convention”

  1. The Republican Party is having an identity crisis. In order to maintain the Religious Right, they have to reject the Log Cabin Republicans. This will be the Republican party’s ultimate dissolution due to factions and in-fighting. Because they cannot be inclusive, they pave their own road to their own destruction. It is 2020, Folks! Time to wake up and smell the changes of a changing world.

  2. The log cabins are a sickening group! The GOP has absolutely NOTHING to offer Texas or anywhere else in this country! To think they sit back and watch this national nightmare and still support the republicans makes me want to vomit! While we look at those around us and admit we see racist, misogynistic creeps, sexism, and more in those we thought were friends and even some family is sickening enough for us to have to consider but then to see these gay people turn their back and profess that republicans are doing anything right is shocking! Seriously folks whatever you is like a African American asking to become a member of the KKK or any other white nationalist organization! The only thing we can hope for is the a vote in November that will destroy the GOP!


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