TGIF and TG I’m a Man.

As a gay man, I think it's pretty easy to buy, find, or be given protection.  Condoms are in every local convenience store. Or if you're too shy for that, they can be ordered online.  Condoms are handed out / thrown out at pride parades, sometimes in flashy containers with stickers advertising a local clinic or medical center.  Going in and out of many clubs, there are bowls or baskets full of condoms and don't we all get excited when there is free lube.  Even when out and about on town or on vacation, people are trying to give away protection.  I don't think a tanning session on Ogunquit Beach occurred without someone from the Frannie Peabody Center walking up to me or someone in my group offering a safer sex kit, just in case we needed it for later.



Women on the other hand and obtaining birth control pills … definitely a little different experience.  It's a cute video.  Is it a gay video? No, not really, but it makes me appreciate what women go through and it makes me feel a whole lot better about being a man and even better, a gay man.  


Happy Friday and thanks BuzzFeed for the giggles.



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