The “Gays For Trump” Rally Had An Awkwardly Small Crowd This Past Weekend

Peter Boykin / Image via Facebook

A “Gays For Trump” rally happened this past Sunday (March 4), but its numbers were pretty unimpressive.


“Gays For Trump” President Peter Boykin called the march a triumph, but the turnout wasn’t great at all.

The Washington Blade reports that about 100 people showed up around noon to the rally at the Lincoln Memorial, but then only 25 stuck around to march towards the White House after that.

During the first half of the event, Boykin, and about a dozen other speakers, spoke in a “open mic” format. Due to there being no scheduled speakers, anyone was allowed to go to the mic and speak, including their “liberal friends.” That said, only Trump supports spoke.

Donald Trump has delivered for us every single day,” Boykin said. “And you can see here our president has drained the swamp in Washington as he has promised.”

“We love a president who is open and honest,” Boykin added. “We don’t have the fireside chats. We have his Tweets at 3 in the morning.”


Image via the Wikimedia Commons

Despite the low attendance count, Boykin insists the event was a success. He then blames the weather for the lack of attendance.

“A lot of people stayed home and organized local Trump rallies. For every one person here there are 1,000 Trump supporters who could not be here today.”


On top of that, Boykin and others attending noted the diversity within the crowd. This is especially true for Boykin’s husband, Tavaris ‘David’ Smith, who describes himself as a proud Trump supporter and a proud Black man.

 “I was raised in a Democratic family,” Smith told the crowd as he wore a red “Make America Great Again” hat with a Human Rights Campaign decal attached to it, “I’m a Republican. I voted for Trump. I’m on the American team and I’m gay,” he said. “God bless America. God bless Trump.”

In addition, a young man visiting from South Korea told the South Florida Gay News that he compared American’s who disliked Trump to unpatriotic South Koreans who sympathized with North Korea.

Image via the Washington Blade

Then around 2:30, the crowd, which had dwindled to only 25 people, marched towards the White House with two U.S. Park Police guiding them on motorcycles.

Several of the 25 marchers carried signs saying, “Thank You President Trump,” or rainbow flags with the words “Gays for Trump” printed on them.

Afterwards, Boykin and some of the remaining marchers walked to the nearby Trump Hotel for a late lunch.

5 thoughts on “The “Gays For Trump” Rally Had An Awkwardly Small Crowd This Past Weekend”

  1. Why would “the weather” be to

    Why would "the weather" be to blame? In the accompanying picture, is sunny and the people milling about are not exactly dressed for snowpocalypse!

    It seems like the perfect weather for a rally!


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