The Hookup on Where to Get Hitched: 20 Fabulous Wedding Venues To Host Your Dream Wedding

Life is filled with "moments" but few carry the significance of the day on which two lives are joined in love, which is all the more reason to mark the occasion with a celebration worthy of being deemed "fabulous". From Des Moines to Laguna Beach and from the great state of Washington to the gilded shores of New England, this notebook highlights 20 of the most fabulous spaces on the planet to host the wedding of your dreams.


Check out our top 20 picks below!


Want the 4-1-1 on all things relationships, marriage and weddings this spring? Check out for more and check out the Marriage & Equality (April/May) issue of Instinct—out now! Instinct is available at Barnes & Noble, at iTunes for the iPad and iPhone or through our subscription services at (888) 45-INSTINCT or through our online store here.

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