The OG Chronicles; Oprah & Gayle Interpreting Current Slang Is All We Need Today

Oprah Winfrey & Gayle King have gone camping, taken a road trip, and even filmed a best friend cover shoot, but their recent video series The OG Chronicles might just be one of their best series of collaborations yet. 


In their latest video, Oprah & Gayle decipher today’s slang words, with Gayle starting the video off saying “are we no longer saying turnt”?. They roll through slang from millennials (and beyond) and examine phrases like “secure the bag” and “snack”, with hilarious and surprising results (Oprah recently had lunch with a “snack”!?-hmmm)

Since earlier this year, Oprah & Gayle have been partnering up on O, The Oprah Magazine YouTube channel and sitting down to discuss everything from Friendship to Family Drama (in the video below).

Throughout the videos, the ladies offer their opinions (Gayle states emphatically that she “does not look at sharing her opinion as butting in”. She looks at it as “sharing my opinion”. On parenting, Oprah emphasizes a lesson she received from an expert on The Oprah Winfrey Show years ago; “there is a time to manage and a time when you are a consultant; by the time you are thirty, your mother is just a consultant”


Check out these videos and more on the O, Oprah Magazine YouTube channel:





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