Don’t say that the iconic song ‘Y.M.C.A.’ is about gay sex, says the Village People’s lead vocalist.
On Sunday, September 20, Victor Willis, who’s best known for wearing the cop costume among the group, posted on Facebook that he’s tired of people assuming his song is about gay sex.
“News and Twitter trending of ‘Y.M.C.A.’ is off the chart right now with false accusations about the song,” wrote the singer and songwriter. “But as I’ve said numerous times before (and this was proven in federal court), I wrote 100% of the lyrics to ‘Y.M.C.A.,’ so I ought to know what my song is about.”
It is unmistakable that Willis created Y.M.C.A. He also wrote over 30 of the group’s songs, including “Macho Man” and “In The Navy.” As such, Willis feels a lot of personal ownership over the group and its music.
“Y.M.C.A. is one of the most iconic songs in the world. I will not stand idle and allow it to be defamed. Therefore, I will sue the next media organization, or anyone else, that falsely suggests Y.M.C.A. is somehow about illicit gay sex. Get your minds out of the gutter please! It is not about that!”
Despite his feelings towards this issue, Willis stated in a 2017 interview with New.com.au that he has no “qualms” with “the gay community [adopting] it as their anthem.”
Willis explained in that interview that the song was not intended to be a gay song because he’s “not gay.”
“I wrote it about hanging out in urban neighborhoods in my youth. ‘You can hang out with all the boys’ was a term about me and my friends playing basketball at the Y. But I wanted to write a song that could fit anyone’s lifestyle.”
Source: News.com.au